Nieder-Olm, Germany: motorists insulted first graders at traffic training

It apparently did not want to wait, so he went and risked so also injured: his Anger over a traffic training for first-graders a Senior has called the police on the Plan. The 75-Year-old was practicing on Monday with his car in Nieder-Olm near Mainz, on the go, as a teacher with their class, Crossing the street on a Zebra crossing, the police announced. The man went accordingly, on the Transition, although the kids wanted to use just and already in the vicinity. He also showed the group the wipers gesture.

The police have initiated against the Senior criminal proceedings for insult. In addition, an administrative offense, not procedure on him, because he drove with a steady pace in the crosswalk, even though someone wanted to cross. According to the police, there may be a fine in the amount of 180 Euro, and a point in Flensburg.

Bergisch Gladbach: Elderly woman sells exhibitionists

With this response he had not expected: In Bergisch Gladbach (NRW) has struck a 78-year-old woman, an exhibitionist in the escape. According to police, the woman was on Monday afternoon, in a Park, when she noticed that the man with open pants satisfied. Because the Elderly woman had already experienced a few weeks ago a similar Situation, she said the Unknown with the words: “Are you dirty again!”. With success: of The approximately 30 to 40 years estimated offender unbuttoned her immediately, his pants, sat on his bike and drove away.

The police now hopes to notices to the approximately 175 centimeters and a seemingly German man with a slim stature. He was wearing a bright helmet, a beige jacket and dark beige pants, write to the officials. Witnesses can contact at the phone number 02202 205-0 in touch with you.

Plochingen: a man wants to light a cigarette and sets the car on fire

When Lighting a cigarette, a man in the state of Baden-Württemberg, accidentally put his car on fire. Left only a wreck remained. The police announced on Tuesday, there was – probably due to a technical Defect in the lighter – flame. Here, the headliner of the car, the stock plastic inflamed. At first Try to extinguish the fire, pulled the 32-Year-old on Monday minor burns. The damage amounts according to police, several thousand euros.

Cologne: 81-Year-old hurtling through car wash in the petrol stations Shop

A pensioner drove off on Monday morning in Cologne at the entrance of a car wash. There, he gave police information suggests that, for unknown reasons, suddenly, the Gas, sped off without stopping through the facility and ended up at the end with his car in the opposite tank-Shop.

the 81 was injured-Year-old hard. In addition, a significant damage was done. By the force of the impact shelves to fell in the Shop. Except for the seniors, nobody was hurt.

Heath: a man nods in the Drive-in.

It is the cravings overcame apparently: In Heide (Schleswig-Holstein) want to supply a 27-year-old man in the night to Sunday, with a dinner of fast-food restaurants and went to the Drive-in counter. Because he einnickte there waiting, however briefly, by a unsafe driving struck and the employees of the Restaurants smell of alcohol perceived, and informed the Latter of the police.

a little later arrived officers controlled the man and subjected him to a breath alcohol test. Result: 1,38 Promillle. As a result, the 27-Year-old had to give a blood sample. The journey was said to the man, in addition, a procedure for drunkenness at the wheel waiting for him.

Hamburg: police rehearsing with a major terror case

Under the Motto of “Medic and evacuation” by the police in Hamburg on Tuesday morning, a large-scale exercise. As the police reported, the Exercise will take place with the involvement of the special units of the Federal government and the countries at different locations. The aim of the Exercise is the management of an assumed application scenario, where in addition to the Intervention by special forces, the Transfer of Injured to the rescuers of the fire brigade of Hamburg, as well as their Transport to hospitals, and the local supply will be practiced. The heavily armed officers to shoot with practice, minition. Therefore, could it be, that shots and Explosion are heard.

the Exercise as realistic as possible in an everyday Metropolitan scenario, it was not a long-term announcement, as police spokesman Timo Zill said the NDR: “We want to practice the defense against terrorist attacks as realistic as possible,” Zill quoted. And further: “nationwide, the Practice is unique”.

A scenario occurred in the morning at the underground station Hafen city University. This was until probably the early afternoon locked.

news of Monday, 5. November:

Berlin: 80-Year-old pig wild in Parking lot

With a hatchet, an 80-year-old Berliner has been slain in a supermarket Parking lot, a wild pig to eat it. The trained butcher skinned the animal late Sunday evening in the district of Tegel and took it in part, as the police reported on Monday. Witnesses alerted the police. As officers arrived in the Parking lot, near the Tegel forest, they met there the wife of the poacher. “I’m waiting for my man to come from work,” said the 75-Year-old police officer. The result of this “work” found the police officers not far removed entrails and some of the larger pieces of meat in a box.

The man responsible was hiding in a Bush at the Karolinenstraße. He was then found and explained to the police that he had killed the “tame animal” to eat the “good meat”, because he could not afford it otherwise. The man showed the police officers the severed head of the wild boar, from the police ein a photo published. The man was displayed due to hunting, poaching.

In the residential areas on the outskirts Casinomaxi of Berlin are often seen wild pigs in the Parks, gardens, streets and playgrounds. Because of the mild Winter and the large amount of feed on oilseed rape and maize fields, the wild breed pigs more than in the past. Although hunters shoot more and more of them, grows her inventory.

What is observed, a witness to last night in a supermarket Parking lot in #Reinickendorf, let him immediately to the 110…

Posted by police in Berlin on Monday, 5. November 2018,

Hannover: 102-Year-old dies in house fire

In case of a fire in a detached house, passed away on Monday morning, a 102-year-old woman. As the police reported, was not able to bring the resident to safety in time and died in the flames died.

Several residents had noticed around 6 PM out of the building, ascending Smoke, and the rescue workers are alerted. For the 102-Year-old, the fire Department was able to do despite the immediate measures taken, but nothing more. Experts according to the current state of knowledge is that a technical Defect in an electrical line or an electrical device caused the fire. At the house there is a damage of approximately 150,000 Euro.

Hettenleidelheim: weed control with the urine, caused by police use of

With an unusual method of weed control have triggered two older women in Rhineland-Palatinate, a police use. Local residents had called on Sunday evening because of an “intense, penetrating” urine odor in Hettenleidelheim, the police, like this one announced on Monday morning. The source was identified quickly and the perpetrators confessed that they had collected the urine, in order to combat the weed in front of your residential property, said an 85-Year-old official.

Please, in future, use an odor-friendly Alternative, the ladies thus: “there is clear”, referring, however, to a nearby Pizzeria, which secrete finally, it also smells. “On the effectiveness of the house by means of nothing to date is known!”, police said.

Velden: man abused sheep

In the lower Bavarian Velden (Landshut rural district) has been in need of a sheep so severely sexually abused that it had to be slaughtered. According to a report of the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” caught the owner of the animal a man on Saturday morning, caught in the act, as this behind the sheep knelt and unique movements took place. The Unknown had escaped, lost, however, a set of headphones. This was being investigated by the police on tracks.

Hamburg: seriously injured a woman in a nightclub found

In the Hamburg district of St. Pauli has been found on early Sunday morning, a woman badly hurt in a nightclub on the Great freedom. According to police, the 34-Year-old by a witness in front of the toilets of the pub was discovered.

The injured had been brought in with a neck injury and an injury to an Arm in a hospital, life in danger does not exist. According to the “image” is said to have been hurt the woman means, on the part of the police, this has not been confirmed or denied. It is established, however, that the suspect, undetected, managed to escape.

Now the police are looking for possible witnesses to the incident, the contact phone number 040/4286-56789 to the officials.

A5, St. Leon-Rot: Pony in the trunk, transported

An unusual traffic control have experienced on Sunday police officers on a highway Parking lot, the A5, in St. Leon-Rot (Baden-Württemberg). Accordingly, the officials had noticed when Overtaking a van with the tailgate open, such as in the interior of the vehicle, a Pony stand and ate.

In the subsequent Review, the 29-year-old driver stated that she and the recently-sold animal to be just on the way to the new owner. Because the police officers found no violations, was allowed to set, the Duo continue his journey.


The Pony and his-owner, was allowed to continue its travel after the controlling

©the police headquarters in Mannheim Melle/Bielefeld: Fans of FC St. Pauli attack police officers

supporters of the FC St. Pauli have rioted on Sunday on the way to the away game at Arminia Bielefeld, and attacked policemen. There was a large-scale operation, in the case of the reinforcement with helicopters flew in had to be. The Federal police confirmed on Sunday evening, media reports that some 250 supporters of the football second division side in the train, police officers and pushed to have provoked. As in the train station, the identity of the perpetrators Melle should be noted, the Situation escalated.

“It came to a solidarity with the perpetrators,” said a spokesman for the Federal police. Officers were insulted, threatened and flag poles have been attacked. In addition, the tracks had to be closed for a short time, because football Fans were staying there. However, since the perpetrators could dive into the crowd, took a large number of police, the St. Pauli supporters at the Bielefeld train station in reception. It is now determined, among other things, for assault and riot.

sources: press-portal/”image”/”Stuttgarter Zeitung” / Facebook-Post-police Berlin / NDR

news from Germany the week of January 29. October to 4. November you can find here:

news from Germany, With 1.22 per Mille: 14-Year-old wrecked car of the parents in the case of nocturnal jaunt

Plauen: boys woman threaten with toy guns +++ Münster: barbecue evening ends for the family in the hospital +++ food: Unknown break in the pattern house +++ news from Germany.


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