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As Sean Hannity from the TV stations Fox on the day before the American Midterm elections, along with President Trump came on the scene, the excitement was huge: How can it be, a Journalist publicly supported a politician?

in fact, the presence of a documented but what is for years, journalists and thus political reality in the United States: messages are little more separate from Propaganda. For democracy of course this is a Problem.

Fox News covers the conservative side, some would say reactionary, sexist, racist. If, for example, a regular Fox guest can say to a black American, he had lost his “cotton-picking mind.” But this is only one of so many examples.

Thus, the question of system is not of function of Fox News, even if it is only to strengthen the President’s Trump in the media and to take in protection, but to also create social reality.


More than a Million people watch Fox News of the day, a channel of the media Empire of Rupert Murdoch belongs to, and in October 1996, was founded. But the origins of what performances today, as the continuous fire of opinions, comments, and Talk to the Land, crash down, go back further to the eighties: today’s distorted American media world is wanted, it is a product of Deregulation, the then-US President Ronald Reagan. On its pressure, in 1987, was the so-called Fairness doctrine abolished, the Radio and television stations on a reasonably balanced coverage committed.

media, particularly the Power of commitment

The result can be visited today: the media, the more the truth will feel obliged, but especially the Power you should control actually. It is the recipe of dictatorships.

Donald Trump with Fox News presenter Sean Hannity

In the case of Fox News, this means: at the Latest since the election of Donald Trump has been presented in as well as any critical story about Trump either twisted or, almost more often, by other stories covered, which were discussed with a certain degree of obsession again and again.

Particularly, the Compounds of Trumps to Russia and Russia’s role in the elections of 2016 are examples: The studies of the special investigator Robert Mueller were shown on Fox News as a kind of Coup. The FBI wool overthrow the elected President, the allegation and the U.S. investigating authority, was compared with the Russian intelligence service KGB. The Team of Mueller, a commentator, had best be put in prison. Or, and this was the other variant, while all other stations reported about the Mueller investigation, noted Fox News is a completely different story Tempobet to the centre of the reporting about the murder of a migrant.

Fatal consequences for the political reality

The history of Fox News – and the Central role in the System, Trump is one of the steady radicalisation, parallel to the radicalization of some polarization of American society say. “Fair and Balanced”, so the transmitter is started, the pass was the Slogan of the nineties and zero years, as well as many viewers were, felt themselves linked to the party of the Democrats.

In the Wake of the Iraq war of 2003, which meant a significant rate jump, and especially in the years of the presidency of Barack Obama 2009 to 2017 and the rise of right-wing populist Tea Party took the political cleavage and compaction.

in 2013, supported then, according to their own figures, 94 percent of Fox News viewers, conservative Republicans. The average age was given in 2015, with 68 years: It is the old and white America is watching Fox News in the mirror.

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For the political reality in the United States, the fatal consequences, and also the other opinion strong stations like CNN and MSNBC are not exempt from this criticism: The joint call, the joint work on a societal truth, the Agreement of all, what is truth, what are facts, what is important and what is not, has been abandoned by the essential Parts of the television journalists.

at the same time the circulations of the daily Newspapers collapsed, regionally and nationally. The Internet was also worked with great speed and intensity, the confusion, and less to the enlightenment, a discourse vacuum that could be filled with hatred, lies and fear-mongering.

From Information to indoctrination

The most recent example, immediately before the elections, was the “caravan” moving towards the Mexican-American border: the migrants, against the Donald Trump brings the army into position. A story to stir up emotions and Fears.

Trump continued the theme, and the stations followed. Fox News was the sound that was characterized by politicized prejudices – and then, when the Trump camp, it switched to a election advertising, which was openly racist and, above all, of the Criminals were that were alleged to be part of this caravan, there was the Scare, even in the case of Fox, so that the broadcaster, NBC, CNN and Fox, this choice took advertising from the screen.

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fact was, however, that the damage was long since emerged: The sexism, because not only is Fox chief Roger Ailes, but also prominent commentators such as Bill O’reilly and Eric Bolling had to go, is part of the Fox culture. Racism is also associated with anti-Semitism, as he shows, for example, in the conspiracy theories about George Soros is that the Fox-man Glenn Beck as part of a “shadow government,” has described, with the aim of world domination, and the humanitarian initiatives only as a camouflage.

The journalism so if you want to, which operates Fox News, anyway, has made the step from Information to indoctrination. For the democracy, which is based on the information, it means that your absence from this site the basics.

But has been described even before the election of Donald Trump, the American society of important Economists such as Joseph Stiglitz, more like an oligarchy, the rule of the Few, and not as a functioning democracy, the rule of the Many. Fox News is the channel that matches this reality, because he helps to create.