To 9.51 PM it POPs in the room. “Is anyone hurt?”, the presiding judge Ursula Raab-Gaudin asks. One hardly hears them, because the room microphones are not working. The fuse is out, the negotiation is interrupted for a quarter of an hour, then it goes further with light and sound.

The short-circuit fits to the theme, which is in the district court of Passau on the Plan: Four teenagers and two adults are accused of community injury resulting in death.

According to prosecutors, the defendants have violated the 15-year-old student Maurice K. in a fight with bare fists so hard that he died shortly afterwards. The youth suffocated after a fracture of the nose in his own blood.

Still, the case rocked the quiet University town on the confluence of the Danube and the Inn. The fact happened on 16. April, from 18 clock in a well-lit pedestrian under the leadership of the Passau city center. Worrying is the number of the show is especially funny. Around 20 young men and women watched the fight, after they had experienced by phone, or in person from an imminent fight. No, a handle is crucial.

Several young men to beat, and perhaps other filmed, but allegedly existing Video could not be sure the police yet. The group dispersed only after a random passers-by passer-by with a dog called, you’ll get the police. Another Passer-by was given first aid, in vain.

Particularly tragic: The mother of Maurice had to watch as paramedics tried to your child is to revive, you happened to be on site. “The loss of their own child is probably the worst thing that can happen to a mother,” says lawyer Armin Dersch, the representative of the court system.

No intensive offender, no special unscrupulousness

defendant in court

However, the shows of the first Day of the trial, refers to the case of no specific Problem with youth violence in Passau or on a particularly dangerous clientele. The defendants were, in part, already noticed a negative impact, but they are not a multiple offender. They hail from a rather lower social Milieus. Externally, the common hairstyles are the most obvious, according to Fußballerart short on the sides shaved with a longer top coat.

in a Particularly unscrupulous manner, the racket is not in front of went, impact tools, or even knives were well-used. A defendant, the 17-year-old B. said even multiple times, kicking him in sight. Also Happy Slapping was not the motive, it was clearly designed to humiliate the victim and this issue and to spread.


According to the indictment and according to the initial submissions of some of the accused of the spectacular death looks case is simple: An agreed upon measure forces between two semi-strong derailed tragic, because contrary to the agreed-upon Fairness bystanders in the fight to have a say. The case also shows how dangerous it is in every brawl.

Agreed, Maurice K., and the 15-year-old R. had to clarify something. “He has been talking about me, I have been talking about him,” says R. before the court. There was a reason? R. shakes his head. It is attended intermittently the same training centre, but above all, you knew from the city. The insults are via chat and here.

Consequently, a confrontation “one on One” in the underpass, according to R. several young people were beaten. As Maurice K. arrived too late and with several companions, was R. received to him, he says. “I gave him a clip around the ears”, so a blow with the flat of his Hand.

“A normal brawl”

Then you have beaten with fists and kicked, he had taken K. in the headlock, the two were stood up and were beaten. Then he himself had gone to ground, R., Maurice K. have kicked him against the head, then it went back to the legs.

desisted when R. Maurice K., is unclear. He had his wallet and his cell phone from a friend who is a girl and ran away, told R. The Prosecutor’s office says, however, that he was more taken on Maurice K. after it was already beating the other in a daze. Burdensome K.’s acts of behavior at the time of arrest, he resigned after the police and you have referred to as “faggots and wankers”.

It seems that he was not the only one, of the beat. There was B., 17 years old, 15 years old, and finally, the 25-year-old K., three Cousins. K. says that he had interfered only to protect the Younger ones.

“This has been a normal fight,” says the young man with the tattoos and the strong torso. “It was not so, that a number of people have simultaneously embarked on Maurice.” He executed the two last strokes, he says, against his temple and one in the liver area. Later, he wrote in a message: “I have someone K. O. Boxing, Two-Punch K. O.” Before that, he had consumed cocaine and Crystal Meth. K. is accused, after an argument with a friend of his girlfriend and threatened to be beaten.

The executions court and the audience is not let at a loss, first of all, a coherent motive for the Eruption of violence is evident. Who, when, where, how to hit and what blows is deadly, now have to help witnesses and experts to clarify. Until January 2019, a further eleven main hearing dates are scheduled.

In the underpass is still a small memorial for the dead young people. In the evening after the first day of the three grave lights burning there.