men, it is said, with good justification, should be able to show weakness. And, I feel that I have Talent. I can’t feel it in the legs, in the cross, in the knees and in the chest: muscles lying. And the most honest of them is the heart.

In Finland, just South of the Arctic circle, on the eve of Midsummer, don’t want to sink the sun, and sports addicts could almost grab three Triathlons in this endless day. Ideal but also for a harmless Fatbike Tour, had told my host. So Oulu, leave your city, excellent to explore. Oulu is one of the most Bicycle-friendly large cities in the EU, the most northerly it is. It was the Cycling 2013, organisers of the world Congress for the Winter. Also, it is almost completely flat.

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… “, DR. v. hirschhausen’s STAR live a HEALTHY LIFE”. The booklet is available at the Kiosk or to buy here.

topics in this issue:

Real men go to Prevention: What are the tests for early detection are useful – and which you can safely save a training watch: keep track of your Fitness teeth: For a beautiful and healthy Smile anyone can a lot of

The downside to do is: Fatbikes, the tractors under the driving wheels. You have a leisurely to then ride in the traditional Dutch style because of their gigantic tunnel resistance tires violently: they require strength endurance. Currently, this is the Problem – too little breath. What (consolation) is also the fact that my fellow riders for one of the most prestigious Fitness companies in the world Permanent Training is a brush for employees of Polar Electro Oy, the pioneer of the electronic pulse rate measurement, so of course, like teeth. A colleague comes up every day on the bike to the office, year in and year out, 29,7 km door-to-door. Not worth talking about.

Marco Suvilaakso, chief strategist of Polar, has recognized my Problem from the saddle. Me he does not need to be measured with precise instruments, he sees by the shoulder view: The Only thing I’m ahead of all others, is my pulse. We shorten, while the true athletes will be directed to an extra loop along the Oulu river. This Tour will remain unforgettable for me – as 165 times per Minute, striking demonstration of the fact that Suvilaaksos innovative company employed for 41 years with something really Important – the health of the pen art of the Sykeharjoittelu.

Sykeharjoittelu means “heart rate Training”. Translated it doesn’t sound so Far so good. Whatever you call it, for every athlete that holds on for a Bundesliga squad, for all fast road racers and triathletes anyway with electronic measurement equipment-assisted care of your endurance performance is an everyday matter of course.

This was not always so. Decades of Training remained, particularly in sport, a matter of experience. Exercises have not been adjusted individually, the loads on the rule of thumb. So you can Fitness build, but not optimal increase. For the health conscious, can not align your life to the Sport, but the Sport in a busy everyday life to fit, easy to lose track of your overall exposure. Some regeneration phases are too short for muscle growth and recovery, others too long. Often, a workout is not challenging enough to promote endurance, many a unkalkulierte effort, however, Overtraining, fatigue and risk of injury: Only the one who keeps the Overview, can.


The scientist Kaisu Martinmäki and Jyrki Schroderus research for Polar in the fields of human physiology and the latest technologies – the company lives them, to connect both.


And the principle of right timing guaranteed that efforts will turn into sustainable Fitness. So, what I’m missing and what I would plead in these minutes, like from the sky. But the divine act of grace is not. After all, who wants to be fit, and thus, fundamentally healthy, keep my sporty rider instead of a challenging recipe: “blood, sweat and data”. This is the true way to salvation. And that’s not meant with the blood too seriously. The sweat – Finnish “Hiki” – but it is even more. Fit stop working (which could include your latest devices on the watt minute). Actually have to explain that to me, just none.

The division of labor is simple: I produce Hiki, Polar produces Data. The Finns have invited the Hirschhausen Team to Oulu to give us the freshest fruits of their 40 years of work in the field of Fitness-show Survey. Recently you have presented your training watch “Vantage V” and “Vantage M”, high-tech to make self-measuring machines, the look from the wrist with electrical and optical Sensors in the Interior of the moving people, and it will help his everyday life and his Compensation, as recommended by a health-conscious exercise science. Wireless heart rate measurement, here in Oulu at the end of the 1970s, developed by Professor Seppo Säynäjäkangas, is just one of the many capabilities of the round wrist – Computer, but now, as then, it is critical.

Me, for example, the measurements of a training watch a few months from the current Fatbike could transform suffering into a sovereign Pedalisten, by “Smart Coaching” to conduct an individual training plan. The willingness of your institution to deliver Hiki and to submit the data, once provided. Because that is what such devices: they promote the Fitness reason. To build a more powerful heart, the Ingrowth of new blood vessels, a suction stronger lungs, new muscles, these are all questions the correct loading dose (see box). You can be today by means of self-measurement to regulate, and for everyone.

the Finnish forest research laboratory

At the beginning of the life of the large electronics narratives – inventor of a mythical place – Steve Jobs’ or Bill Gates’ Garage, in which Genie turned into a technology is often. In the case of Seppo Säynäjäkangas Professor was the Garage of the Nordic forest. Here, the passionate cross-country skiers met by chance to be the unsolved Problem, a well-known Trainer, it was him in the snow. The Coach wanted to measure the pulse of his endurance athletes via radio: In the trails, it would be disadvantageous to drag a ton of heavy-weight ECG machine behind her – almost as nasty as unfit to drive on the Fatbike.

And Säynäjäkangas invented. Since then, Polar, from his research, grown a family business, the pioneer of self-measurement. His chest straps with ECG-electrodes pulled from 1982, in the world of sports, ein. Then Professor Seppo and his people expanded their operation to a training electronic premiere theatre.


The case, the test needs to survive-the-clock, fully functional.


they were the First that could not only remote measuring, how fast the heart is in Running, Swimming or Cycling – but also, how quickly our heart rate at the time of load change speeds up or slows down. A healthy heart comes from a Sprint-pulse very rapid, Untrained panting for several minutes. And as the First, the Finns were in 2007, the coming Trend: Activity Tracking, the self-surveying of the whole of life, day and night. With your own sleep study, which is the present focus of research of the Polar researcher, Kaisu Martinmäki. Every step in everyday life is in the movement, the balance sheet, it is a diary of the body. It was a breakthrough. And he woke, finally, powerful competition: Since a few years, competitors such as the GPS specialist Garmin, or the Finnish former compass producer Suunto are getting stronger. Each ?majbet of them has its own accents – a life more active Outdoor, the other on Design. Polar, with its emphasis on sports and special measurement precision for a long time in the pole position, had to catch up: While his Fitness watches presented as a rather massive sports computer, as a unique “See, I train”-Statement, the same the new creations externally send Smartwatches, though they are sportier than their ancestors.

In these small devices, the whole force of the rapid advancements of our time materialized Between Professor Seppos invention, and the Midsummer 2018, the entire history of the World Wide Web, mobile phones, satellite navigation and Smartphones. Meanwhile, computers were tiny sports watches are nothing more than micro-computer with Sensors: three Dimensional acceleration you can measure height, distance, and speed, Sleep and wakefulness, exertion, and recovery. And every heartbeat. It has remained that way since the early days.

look Inside

But your technique everyday, it was capable – as the Doctors of yore, the latest sports watches feel the pulse directly on the wrist: With optical Sensors that Shine through the skin and count the anwallenden pulse waves of the blood. Red and green LEDs on the back of the watch to betray this mechanism, different light colors to increase the accuracy. The optical measurement also dominated the competition, and that is why the Finns have designed your new sensor field complex: Four metal contacts, at the same time, also the connection for the charger, measure the resistance of the skin, correction factors in the Software, so possible errors in the data can extinguish the power of the light measuring probes: The jarring, shaking and vibration was the end of the wrist, in fact, a nightmare for technicians, says Jyrki Schroderus, scientists in the service of Polar. But it is the handiest place for the user. Although he and colleagues from Polar were at first rather suspicious of the ECG chest strap and a lower precision for the younger technology, they decided to the great leap forward: for the First time “Vantage”, the entire performance of the body performs while Running, the “Running Power” from your wrist to measure. Previously constricted Fitness-Advanced in their own Sensors on their shoes. Well-Trained, can perfect the efficiency of your running style, so you can stretch your forces economically over long distances. And anyone who has experienced an Ergometer test or a stress ECG, white: Such a wattage is a meaningful thing – according to the principle of Hiki and Data.

The heart is the beat

“dose sola facit venenum” is the most famous doctrine of Paracelsus, which he coined almost 500 years ago: the dose Alone makes the poison. That still applies and also for the good things. Too much is unhealthy, the correct amount is donated but health. The cardiovascular System is the heart and vessels are to be our major weakness in the prosperity of the world and the prevention of congestion and calcification or even infarction, and stroke, the first commandment of medicine. Who moves to the little lures of the Evil – under dose. However, anyone Who calls too much – not trained, because he knows his limits, no longer benefits from the Sport, but invites exhaustion, injuries and infections. To frustration, because in the case of Overtraining, the personal progress that fails, the “venenum”.

The training of scientific experience: a Lot of beginners want too much too fast. In the first sporting months after a long break, fatigue fractures are not rare. Bones, Tendons, muscles, and joints need to gain strength. The heart and the vessels have to. To do this, you need a training with the correct number of strokes – a frenzied pump is never good, except in the Sprint. Traditionally of thumb are given formulas for the exercise heart rate; in a simple Form the age of 180 (for a 45-Year-old so: 180-45=135). This “tree-Hollmann’s rule” is, however, unreliable. It takes into account neither gender nor sport, but especially not on the individual Constitution. It is clear that an appropriate pulse for the build of stamina is always significantly below the age related maximum heart rate: Scientifically it is calculated preferably with 207,7–(0.64 x age) – in our example, the 178,9 beats per Minute would be 45 more than the training frequency. But the truth is: The real values are highly individual, and before the Start of the new gym, a sports medical diagnostics is therefore recommended. ECG, stress test and physical examination will show, what to do and what to leave. A modern heart rate monitor is extremely helpful: you motivated, stops time, does all the calculation and also says, when a regeneration break is necessary. For just the right dose.

Who wants to live according to him, needs to invest – for a top model of the self-surveying as the professional “Vantage V” to 500 Euro, for the different uses here “Vantage M” 280. There are, however, of the 100 training programs, synchronization with a Smartphone and a PC, and the data is richest in Balancing function between Training and recovery in the training watchmaking history. And unmatched battery life of 40 (model V) or 30 hours (M) in the GPS and heart rate measuring mode. The proud Creator of Polar’t hide the fact that they position themselves deliberately in the upper Segment of the market, below which for economical recreational athletes, some Alternative. But so be it, the legacy of Professor-pioneer Seppo Säynäjäkangas, who died in April 2018.

That its Standards continue to apply, as demonstrated also by hand: Who has to reduce, for example, after a less than convincing performance of his Cycling arts – frustrations, throw a Quantum of solace in the Watches. What sounds like a more eccentric-a Finnish idea, it is a technical Must in the final development of the instruments: In the deep of the Polar-headquarters floor maintains Markku Rissanen a test laboratory. A robot flings for him Vantage prototype on a massive stone slab down. Next to your brothers and sisters are frozen at minus 40 degrees, up to 72 hours. And then you Rissanen on the moderate sauna temperature of 70 degrees plus heat. He torments you for persevering with Wind, weather and ultra-violet light, and for those who like to convince themselves that a person can even develop for watches bracelets compassion, one needs to consider only the automatic expanded Bank, they Rissanen spans for days. Anyone who has experienced this, it is easier to get without self-pity on the treadmill. Promised.