A new line has appeared on pay slips. The objective is to help you check if you are eligible for certain aid.

Between the gross amount, the employee contributions, the net amount before tax then that after deduction at source, it is not always easy to see clearly on the pay slips of the French! The lines are piling up and bad news, a new mention will now appear there, from July 2023. Scan your last payslip, you will see a new line there: “Social net amount”, generally placed between the summary of your gross salary and that of the “net to be paid before income tax”.

Rest assured, this time, this amount does not involve an additional charge but should instead help you in your daily life. The net social amount is in fact the net income that you receive “after deduction of all compulsory social security contributions”, specifies the government. It is thus a reference for all employees, a kind of standard amount which does not include other deductions depending on your situation, your status (executive or not, depending on such branch…) or even of your individual choices (mutual insurance for example).

What is it used for ? Not just to add more ink. This net social amount is precisely the reference required by many organizations to assert your rights. This may be the case, for example, for a request for an activity bonus. However, until then, you often had to take out your calculator with a significant risk of error. These errors could lead to the non-payment of aid to which you were nevertheless entitled! From now on, no calculation will be necessary each month, it will suffice to cumulate at the end of the year all the net social amounts received each month.

Even better, from 2024, be aware that employers will themselves have to declare the “net social amount” of their employees to the authorities. The process will be similar to that of the withholding tax, with companies already communicating to the tax authorities the net taxable” paid to the employee during the past year. The net social amount will then be displayed directly on your online profile, for example at the CAF on the mesdroitssociaux.fr website. financial aid that was not paid to them until then… You now know which line to scrutinize on your next payslip.