TV chef Tim Mälzer, according to the world health organization (WHO) Body Mass Index (abbreviated BMI) is calculated from weight divided by body size body size, obese. Diet cookbooks there are hundreds. Tim Mälzer knows exactly what is healthy, but he referred to himself as a man of Pleasure. In the last decade, the TV chef has put on 15 pounds and kept. It is the perfect diet for him? The questions Maltster in the food check, (the delivery on Monday evening in a repeat of the ARD), and what you can do actually, if you want to lose weight?

diets, there are countless Low Carb, food combining, Weight Watchers, Mono-diets or Formula diets. Experts say that diets only work if you keep them permanently. It falls back into normal eating habits, regulates the weight. It is the so-called yo-Yo effect, sometimes is even so strong that one is heavier than before the diet.

Tim Mälzer knows: it is best to build muscle

but It is: muscles kill body fat. If you really want to be slim, you should build muscles. When you burn Calories that makes it is by the way hardly a difference, whether it runs for 30 minutes, jogs or swims. It’s about the movement.

Low Carb, but delicious: Six great recipes for the slim figure Fullscreen

they like to feast already in the morning? Then this spicy Masala omelette from the current BRIGITTE diet is perfect for you. Click here for the recipe!

©Thomas Neckermann/BRIGITTE BMI is the wrong approach Atlasbet

For losing weight or as a crucial Element in weight loss is the Body Mass Index is actually the wrong approach. Because of the taken into account, neither fat nor muscle mass. Normal weight is so relative. TV-chef Tim Mälzer has a BMI of 31, and is thus considered to be overweight. In the medical health check-up Brewer comes with regard to muscle mass positively, only for his proportion of fat to 31 percent of the doctor may recommend a slight change in Diet. For example, at night, the meat salad, or a unit of alcoholic drink on the day of the omission. In addition to Tim Mälzer should be sporty on a regular basis. A recommendation that anyone could implement in everyday life.

slimming preparations is the solution?

slimming pills or Formula Drinks such as Almased, experts recommend vehemently. Although you can support a Diet, but they are not for a permanent taking or in permanent weight loss, because it could then come to nutrient problems. Without a change in Diet, or a clear reduction in calories, the slimming supplements are also ineffective. The expert at the ARD-food check confirmed.

Therefore, you can be guided by the following rules of thumb:

diets bring hardly anything, unless it is to his diet until the end of his life.Crash diets lead to the yo-yo effect.The BMI is not an appropriate scale, better muscle mass, fat percentage and basal metabolic rate.Diet pills help you lose weight.Movement is crucial.

For Tim Mälzer, the following applies: as Long as he feels good, and him no doctor obesity attests, he is not required to lose weight. The perfect diet, there are not for the TV chef, if he really wants to lose weight, there is only one truth: He needs to change his diet in the long term.

click here to Watch the broadcast in the ARD Mediathek