the messages in The Short Overview:

German tourist dies in Sri Lanka at the attempt to make a Selfie (17.06 hours)aircraft out of control – emergency landing in Portugal (17.01 hrs)Pope Francis: a reminder of the First world war, a serious warning (15.36 hours)Femen activist runs in Trumps column (14.23 PM)expected Mild autumn weather: More than 20 degrees Celsius in the Allgäu region (13.45)media report: thousands of Pastors can soon be replaced (11.32 PM)The Bundestag construction: water penetrates through the bottom plate (10.36 PM)media report: Seehofer does not want to remain in retreat from CSU-chaired by the Minister of the interior (10.08 PM)

The News of the day in the star-Ticker:

+++ 17.18 PM: smoke in the cabin: Air-France-machine to loading in Siberia between land +++

An Air France plane on the way from Paris to Shanghai on Sunday to land in Siberia due to smoke and an acrid smell in the cabin. None of the 282 passengers on Board was injured, such as Air France, the news Agency told AFP. The passengers were accommodated in a Hotel in the vicinity of Irkutsk.

Airport officials have confirmed to Russian news agencies, that no one was hurt. Experts had been sent to the airport. According to information from Air France, the flight should be continued to Shanghai as soon as the technical Review is completed.

+++ 17.06 PM: German tourist wants to make a Selfie and crashes into the death +++

Terrible end to a holiday trip: A German tourist is edge in Sri Lanka by a rock in the death overthrown. Apparently, the woman tried to take a Selfie.

The 35-Year-old was on Sunday with a further woman in the Horton Plains national Park in the island nation in the Indian ocean. According to reports, the two women had tried to shoot a photo of yourself in front of a abyss, a police spokesman said.

The police sought, with the support of the army, air force and local population for six hours in the vicinity of the town of Balangoda in the centre of Sri Lanka after the woman. From the air her body was eventually discovered, he was able to be salvaged.

+++ 17.01 PM: Air Astana aircraft out of control crash landing caught – in Portugal +++

A machine of the Kazakh airline Air Astana has fallen on Portugal in a dramatic situation. After Sunday temporarily an emergency landing on the sea in consideration of which had been landed, the Pilot of the machine but finally, at the airport of Beja, 150 km Southeast of Lisbon, as the Portuguese media reported, citing air navigation authority NAV.

The Pilot had a total of three Times in for a landing, until he can bring the plane safely to the ground, reported the newspaper “Público”. Two F-16 fighter jets have accompanied the machine. According to the newspaper “Jornal de Notícias” was the aircraft after maintenance on a test flight and no passengers, six crew members were on Board.

Apparently, the instruments were in accordance with the Start-up failed, causing the Pilot lost temporarily the control of the machine of the type Embraer 190 and in tight curves through Portugal circled. He put out a distress call, to which the military jets were to help sent. In Beja car and the fire brigade were ill. The Crew was medical care, the injured did not.

+++ 15.36 PM: Pope Francis calls for an end to the “culture of death” +++

Pope Francis has for the world war commemoration called for an end to the “culture of death” and the bloody conflicts in many regions of the world. “The historical events of the First world war are a serious warning to all,” Pope Francis said. As a reminder, at the end of the First world war on 11. November 1918, resounded the bells of St. Peter’s Basilica at 13.30, as a Vatican spokesperson confirmed.

The Pope recalled his predecessor Benedict XV, who led the Catholic Church from 1914 to 1922, and the First world war as “useless massacre” had referred to. Also the grandfather of the 81-year-old Pope from Argentina who is the son of Italian immigrants, fought in the First world war.

+++ 14.23 PM: Despite the high security measures in Paris – Femen activist runs in trump’s motorcade +++

A protester with naked Breasts and ran on the outskirts of the celebrations for the end of the First world war in Paris in the motorcade of US President Donald Trump. The woman was able to overcome security barriers on the Sidewalk, told reporters in the column. On a Video to see how the woman – a member of the organization Femen on the Champs-Elysees runs, as the car went from Trump just passing by. The other vehicles in the convoy continue on their way, while the protester rips the arms.

security forces held the woman and pushed her from the road. On her Breasts, the word “Fake”, which means “false” or “fake”. Including peace seems to be “Peace”. Femen announced via Twitter, the activist, have to denounce the “hypocrisy” of the commemorative events for the end of the First world war 100 years ago. On another Video was to see that two bare-breasted Femen Activists were detained by security forces at the barricades.

Trump was on Sunday morning on the way to the arc de Triomphe. There are dozens of heads of state and heads of government at a ceremony at the end of the First world war 100 years ago part.

+++ 13.45 PM: T-Shirt weather in November – Allgäu mild days before +++

With temperatures around twenty degrees, it is in Parts of Germany, once again, really mild. The meteorologists of the German weather service (DWD), according to the Deep “Zarmina” in the North West initially for changeable weather, whilst the South East benefited from the friendly weather of the high “Zouhir”. Middle of the week it is in the whole country dry. The temperatures at night are far above the freezing point.

On Monday, the sky in the North, the West and the middle is cloudy, according to the DWD. There is intermittent rain, isolated Thunderstorms cannot be ruled out. To the Southeast of the line of Pfalz-Berlin, it remains mostly dry, there are major gaps in the clouds. With 12 to 18 degrees for the Season is mild, in the southwest and in the Allgäu region, it can be even warmer than 20 degrees. In the night it will be cloudy at temperatures from ten to six degrees, sometimes it rains.

On Tuesday, pulling in the morning, a narrow rain band from the North-West of the Alps. After that, it loosens. The temperatures reach between 11 and 17 degrees. During the night it cools down to ten to two degrees.

On Wednesday draw dense cloud fields over the North and North-East, then it loosens more and more. Otherwise, it remains dry and Sunny, but it may take until noon until the portion of the dense fog fields dissolve. From the middle of the week the temperatures are supposed to drop again.

+++ 12.06 PM: seriously wounded HSV-Fan – to- state stable +++

the state of The in Aue crashed Fans of the football second division club, Hamburger SV, according to the Clubs from the Sunday stable. The trailer was overthrown during the playing of the Hanseatic League on Saturday, when FC Erzgebirge Aue (3:1) shortly before the final whistle of the game from the fence of the guest blocks about five meters in depth. He was first with his head on the concrete floor in the stadium interior. The man was flown with a rescue helicopter to a hospital.

There he was on Sunday in the clinic, such as a HSV spokesman said. Accurate information about the health condition of the injured could not make the Association. The Fan has been on a respirator. Probably the spine of the man was not injured in the crash, it said. The extent to which the head and other musculoskeletal system were damaged, you could not tell. According to the Hamburger SV supporters any Ultra-fan group belongs to.

+++ 11.32 PM: The churches, the pastor from +++

The two large Christian churches in Germany are struggling with a dramatic lack of personnel in the case of priests and pastors. The Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) expects that by 2030, about 7000 of the currently around 13,500 Priest can no longer be occupied. Such a development was “catastrophic”, said ZdK-President Thomas Sternberg the magazine “Focus”. “We will no longer be able to keep the usual structures. Lay people need to be able to take in the future, a lot more tasks.”

The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) has, according to the report, similar problems. The pastor’s Association expects the number of currently about 21,000 pastor will and pastor reduce by about one third. By 2030 also, around 7000 Posts could not be filled. “That leads each individual pastor to his limit and beyond,” said the Chairman of the pastor’s Association, Andreas Kahnt.

“The churches need to tackle the Problem,” said Lars Castellucci, religion, political spokesman of the SPD, the “Focus”. “The role models, the radiate that you are living your vocation.” Castellucci questioned the current training: “Is it really necessary that all priests must ancient Greek and learn Latin so intense?” For late beginners, in the course of your professional life umorient, there must be paths in the profession as a pastor or pastor’s wife.

+++ 10.36 PM: Serious construction defects: the Bundestag new report, the demolition +++

The cultivation of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders threatening according to media-house in Berlin’s government district has, apparently, serious construction defects – the fate of the building is according to the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung” (FAS) is unclear. In the extension of the Parliament’s water penetrates according to the report, through the bottom plate. The building could currently be built. The structural defects are so serious that a demolition of the building can currently not be fully excluded.

“at the moment, there is much to suggest that it can’t be rehabilitated, it is quite safe,“ said Wolfgang Kubicki, the Bundestag, Vice-President and Chairman of the building Committee of the German Bundestag, of the “Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper”. However, even if the building could be rehabilitated, it’ll remain a loose candidate, the FDP politician.

Kubicki argues, therefore, for the building in case of doubt, better to leave as a possibly lengthy construction lumber. “Once the airport Berlin-Brandenburg.”

A report should clarify who is responsible for the construction defects, is responsible.

+++ 10.08 am: there is No “muddling through”: Seehofer wants to retreat from CSU-presidency Minister of the interior, to remain +++

CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer wants to a media report, in the case of a withdrawal from the party chairmanship not for long the Federal Minister of the interior. He could maybe work for a few more months, but a “muddling through” on this Post will not give it to him, reported the “Bild am Sonntag”, citing the close Confidant of Seehofer’s. On the future of Seehofer’s speculation for a long time.

Seehofer wants to achieve according to the “BamS”-report at the time of the issue of his succession in the CSU to an amicable solution. It should not be this, he wanted to pull in two Offices and a clear ending. The weekly newspaper “The times” had previously reported, citing Familiar Seehofer’s, Seehofer going to give up in the coming days, his office as party leader, but remain the Federal Minister of the interior.

The former Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber, argued, meanwhile, that the office of the CSU Chairman and Minister-President in a Hand. If the Offices are separated, “is the weaker,” said Stoiber, the “Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper”. The Ex-party chief had since the days of the circulating speculation boost that the Prime Minister, Markus Söder Chairman also takes on the CSU. Stoiber suspected, also, that there will be a CSU special Congress of the party.

+++ 10.04 PM: world war II commemoration: Macron receives first the heads of state and heads of government +++

the solemn ceremony for the 100. The anniversary of the armistice in the First world war, has received the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the first heads of state and government. He welcomed on Sunday in Paris the Elysée Palace, among other things, the heads of government from Sweden, Greece, Belgium, Ireland, Israel, Norway and Algeria. EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, arrived already. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Canada’s government leader Justin Trudeau were expected to be.

in Total, around 70 heads of state and government wish to commemorate the war victims in the morning together. At the arch of triumph, a ceremony will be held at 11: 00. At this time of the 1918 rang in the whole of France, the bells, to proclaim the truce. As a sign of reconciliation, all political leaders should put each symbol a Hand on the shoulder of your neighbor.

among the guests also US President Donald Trump, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Around 10,000 police officers to the memorial secure.

+++ 09.44 am: Tons of strawberries thrown away – because the woman needles hidden in it +++

Two months after the firstten Fund. of needles in the supermarket strawberries in Australia, the police has one Suspect in custody. The 50-year-old woman was taken to the “complex and comprehensive investigation” on Sunday, the police announced in the state of Queensland. Details of the allegations against the woman and her motives, the police are not made. On Monday, she will be in Brisbane before a judge.

plug – and-needles in strawberries and in other packaged fruit in Australia for weeks, for excitement: In September a man had been brought in Queensland after the consumption of strawberries with abdominal pain to the hospital. In his stomach plug-in have been found needles. Across the country were reported as a result more than a hundred alleged needle finds in strawberries. There was even a case in neighboring new Zealand.

Australian supermarkets strawberries took then out of the trade, the fruits of the ton ended up in the garbage. The state of Queensland offered a reward in the amount of 100,000 Australian dollars (61,000 euros) for clues to the perpetrators. The Australian government has tightened the laws that provide for up to 15 years in prison for such offenses.

+++ 07.07 PM: After the Operation: Conjoined twins doing well +++

After the separation of Siamese twins from the Himalayan state of Bhutan in Australia have recovered two small girls as well. The 15-month-old twins, Nima and Dawa were in a “stable condition,” said a spokeswoman for the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne on Saturday. According to media reports, the two girls are even already in the same bed.

The hull that are grown together twins had shared one important Organ is the liver. After the six-hour Operation on Friday, the hospital had communicated, the next two days are crucial for the recovery of the two girls.

reported the newspaper “Herald Sun”, have been placed by the twins after the Operation, first, in a separate bed. Because they were stretching after Waking up, but the hands in succession, it was put together.

+++ 05.29 PM: fire in the social institution – 27 residents injured +++

In case of a fire in an assisted Living facility in the Thuringian town of Sonneberg 27 people were injured. According to police, a fire broke out on Saturday, shortly after 23.00 PM with a strong development of Smoke in the boiler room. Many of the 40 residents had to be rescued with the help of the firefighters from the building. 23 of them were slightly injured, four were seriously injured to the hospital. The building is currently uninhabitable. The total damage according to the police against a Million Euro. In the establishment of both senior citizens as well as people living with disability.

+++ 04: 43: at Least 25 people die in forest fires in California +++

The number of deaths has risen victims of the forest fires in California to at least 25. Alone in the area around the Northern California town of Paradise, 23 victims had been rescued, informed the fire Department of Butte County, on Saturday evening (local time). Due to strong winds and low humidity, the fires, and the velocity of propagation would continue to be extremely. In addition, were found in the flame-ridden seaside town of Malibu, two more people dead, the local police chief, John Benedict reported from the County of Los Angeles.

The fire Department, in the case of the 23 Victims of the so-called “Camp Fire” in Paradise there were civilians, in addition, three firefighters had been injured. More than 6450 residential homes fell to the flames since Thursday for the victims, some 15,000 buildings were threatened. In the fight against the flames, more than 4000 firefighters were in use.

+++ 01:31 PM: man in Hanover-stabbed to death – police search +++

A man is in Hanover, was stabbed and died from his wounds. A Passer-by found the 39-Year-old on Saturday night with stab wounds on a sidewalk in the vicinity of the main train station, police Hepsibahis said early Sunday morning. In the hospital he died. The alleged perpetrator is on the run. The police are looking for a 30-year-old man with whom the victim previously had a dispute had to have. The criminal investigation due to a homicide.

+++ 00.19 watch: After prison-release: Asia Bibi, would like to go to Germany +++

After their release from Pakistani prison, the Christian, Asia Bibi wants to leave the country with her family to Germany. Her lawyer said the “Bild am Sonntag”: “My client would be happy if you could leave the country with her family to Germany.”

The Catholic was sentenced in 2010 for alleged blasphemy in the predominantly Muslim country to death, but was recently free and released from prison. This triggered massive protests by radical Islamic groups against the now 51-year-old five times that of the mother.

her lawyer to Saif-ul-Malook, who had fled to the Netherlands, urged to hurry to find a safe place to Stay: “you can go wherever you want. But time is running out.”

From the foreign office, it was the name of the sheet that: “We are with the government of Pakistan and our partners in the conversation. For us, the protection of Asia Bibi and her family is in the foreground.” A number of European countries, be receptive to a recording, should be able to leave this Pakistan and want to. Germany is one of the “of course”.

Bibi’s husband Ashiq Masih had asked some Western States to claim asylum and in particular of the Italian government appealed to help his family.

+++ 00.08 watch: Aretha Franklin: dresses of the “Queen of Soul” auctioned +++

Nearly three months after the death of soul singer Aretha Franklin, expensive dresses have been auctioned off to the “Queen of Soul” in New York. A sequined, pink gown, Franklin wore appearance in 1993 at a concert, brought in $ 10,000, as the auction house Julien’s Auctions announced on Twitter.

An Ensemble with a bright red ruffle jacket by Designer Arnold Scassi, in which the singer in 1991 at a concert in New York’s Radio City Music Hall occurred, was, came in for 7500 dollars under the Hammer. It had previously been set at 2500 dollars. The celebrated singer was 16. August died at the age of 76 years, the consequences of a cancer disease.

the news of The day from Saturday, 10.11.2018

+++ 17.11 PM: The two large churches are missing by 2030, approximately 14,000 priest +++

The two large Christian churches in Germany are struggling with a dramatic lack of personnel in the case of priests and pastors. The Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) expects that by 2030, about 7000 of the currently around 13,500 Priest can no longer be occupied. Such a development was “catastrophic”, said ZdK-President Thomas Sternberg the magazine “Focus”. “We will no longer be able to keep the usual structures. Lay people need to be able to take in the future, a lot more tasks.”

+++ 15.07 PM: the country head of the AfD’s youth organisation in Saxony +++

The country chief of the “young Alternative” (YES), Saxony, Matthias Scholz, resigned resigned from all Offices. Against the country, the chief of the youth organisation of the AfD proceedings before the court of arbitration of the YES, as the editorial network Germany (RND) reports to be running. Accordingly, it was confirmed by both Scholz, as well as YES-speaker Torben Braga. In addition, a party planning procedure in the AfD-Kreisverband Dresden will hard. The background was supposed to be an escalated pub tour through Dresden in August. There’s Scholz to insult a guest at the next table as a “Bimbo” and with a friend, “victory” and “salvation”, the cry.

+++ 14.12 PM: Macron meets Trump and tries to conciliatory words +++

After sharp criticism of his idea of a European army has become the President of France, Emmanuel Macron sought at a Meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump to conciliatory tones. Macron said on Saturday in Paris, he supported trump’s call for a better distribution of the burden within Nato. Trump had criticized Macrons proposal for the establishment of a European army, previously considered to be “very offensive”.

Trump said that he treasures Macrons used for a better burden-sharing in Nato. “We want a strong Europe,” added Trump with a straight face. Macron and he were “very good friends”.

Trump accuses Nato countries such as Germany again and again, not enough to Finance the Alliance. In the case of the Four-eyes conversation of the two presidents, it should go according to Macron also Iran, Syria, trade issues and climate protection. After the Meeting, the two President of the GATT were added to the interior to a lunch at the Elysée Palace.

on the occasion of trump’s visit to France to celebrate the commemoration of the end of the First world war a hundred years ago.

+++ 13.34 PM: “peace celebrations, but the war preach”: Femen Activists protest against “war criminals” in Paris,”

Three Activists from the Organisation Femen in Paris on Saturday against the presence of “war criminals” during the commemoration of the end of the First world war a hundred years ago and protested. With bare Breasts, the flower wreaths in the hair and raised fists, they called on the triumphal arch: “Welcome war criminals!” (“Welcome To The War Criminals”). Your torso were painted with the Slogan “Fake peacemakers, real dictators” (“False peace-makers, true dictators”).

The women arrived in the Morning with the car to the monument, the tomb of the unknown soldier from the First world war with the eternal flame. The Trio climbed over the gates to the grandstand for the memorial event. At the ceremony on Sunday, 70 heads of state and government expected to attend, including US President Donald Trump, the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

“you came to celebrate peace but they preach war,” said the 24-year-old Tara Lacroix. “Most of the heads of state are dictators, human rights in their countries,” she added, without naming names. The police arrested Lacroix and her two Femen-comrades-in-arms – under the astonished Gaze of Chinese tourists, in front of the landmark of the metropolis.

+++ 11.55 PM: Macron receives a Trump in Paris +++

the President of France Emmanuel Macron has received the US President Donald Trump to consultations in Paris. Macron and Trump came together on Saturday in front of the Elysée Palace and shook under an umbrella in the hands. In the case of the Four-eyes conversation after that, in the Elysée Palace, it should go mainly to the conflict in Syria and Iran. On the occasion of Trumps in France for the commemorations of the end of the First world war a hundred years ago.

+++ 10.52 PM: Ex-player Balitsch: death of Robert Enke has to rethink causes +++

The death of the former national goalkeeper Robert Enke has led to the view that his long-time friend and fellow player Hanno Balitsch in the German football is a rethinking in dealing with the topic of depression. “Also, I must say that something has changed. Not without reason, there is in each of the Junior performance centre is now a sports psychologist,” said the former national player, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the death of Robert Enke in an Interview with the newspaper “die Welt” (Saturday). “Even with all the German U-national teams have a sports psychologist in the future. The awareness is there.”

Enke took on 10. November 2009, in the vicinity of Hannover life. The then-32-Year-old had suffered for years from depression. Balitsch and Enke played together at that time at Hannover 96. The 37-year-old Balitsch is since 2017 Co-coach of the German U19 national team.

+++ 10.38 PM: Explosion on the Turkish military base – four Dead and 20 injured +++

an Explosion at a military base in the Southeast of Turkey have come, according to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday four people were killed and 20 wounded. The Turkish President said on Saturday.

The state news Agency Anadolu had spoken on Friday evening, first of all, 25 wounded soldiers and seven Missing. The cause of the Explosion has not been described in detail. The “accident” have occurred in a munitions depot, as with heavy weapons shot had been, it said, citing the Ministry of defence.

The base is located in the district of Semdinli close to the border to Iraqi Kurdistan. There, Turkey’s military battled Kurdish workers ‘ party PKK has its headquarters.

+++ 10.29 PM: New Bamf-in-chief for strict line in the case of deportations +++

The President of the Federal office for Migration and refugees (Bamf), Hans-Eckhard summer, calls for a hard line on deportations. The authorities would have to act consistently, even if the im case the case is difficult, said the summer, the “mirror”. “We need to enforce law and order in this area. We don’t do that in the tax law, if someone pays.” On the question of whether he understood himself as a “Hardliner,” said the Bamf-in-chief: “I see myself in fact as a Hardliner, if one is already standing up for the consistent application of the applicable Law, to enter such a title.”

+++ 09.34: Trump called Macrons call for a European army “very offensive”, + + +

Shortly before his Meeting with the French head of state, Emmanuel Macron, US President, Donald Trump has criticised his host sharply. Macrons call for the establishment of a European army was “very offensive,” wrote Trump, shortly after his landing in Paris on Friday evening in the short message service Twitter. Europe should pay “its fair share of the costs of Nato”. Trump takes part in Paris in commemoration of the end of the First world war a hundred years ago.

“the President of France, Macron has just proposed that Europe build up its own military to protect themselves from the US, China and Russia,” wrote Trump, who had landed with his wife Melania shortly before, at the Paris Orly airport. “Very offensive, but maybe Europe should pay its fair share of the cost of Nato, which subsidize the United States in high dimensions,” added the US President.

Macron said on Tuesday in a Radio Interview, without a “true European army” could not defend the Europeans. He justified his request with the warning of “authoritarian powers, rising on the borders of Europe and the arm”. Europe must defend itself, “with an eye on China, Russia and even the United States,” he told the broadcaster Europe 1.

Macron criticized, moreover, the of Trump announced withdrawal from the INF disarmament Treaty with Russia as a “threat”, the “main victims” of Europe. The Federal government and the EU Commission were reluctant to respond to the initiative of the French President.

+++ 07.04 PM: vets criticise Piglet castration-plans +++

The Plan of the Federal government to allow for the castration of Piglets to the farmers of the anesthesia without a doctor, encounters criticism of the Federal chamber of veterinary surgeons. “Of veterinary technical side, the implementation of the Isoflurane-anaesthesia-by the animal to assess the medical laity is critical,” said Karl-Heinz Waldmann, a Professor at the University of Veterinary medicine Hannover, on behalf of the Federal chamber of veterinary surgeons of the German press Agency. Isoflurane is an anesthetic agent.

The process of anesthesia is very demanding, it may lead to side effects and between cases, until the death of the Piglet, said Waldmann. In addition, the stun with the currently available devices is often inadequate.

+++ 05.33 PM: “Significant irritation”: the ADAC criticized official Letter to Diesel-owners +++

The force travel Federal office (KBA) due to a letter to owners of older Diesel price clean car rebates for the purchase has come under increasing criticism. The motorists club ADAC has complained, this would be the “many of the recipients of considerable irritation,” as for more questions, only contact details of three German manufacturers were called. To Compare a neutral advice on the design of premiums and the possibility of not be ensured, – stated in a ADAC-Letter to the chair of the Advisory Board of the KBA, the German press Agency.

Also, the consumer organisations had criticised the evidence of the KBA to “exchange actions” of BMW, Daimler and VW were “necessary distance to the industry-miss”. The Federal Ministry of transport, defended the letters as a “pure information”. It says also: “It remains of course at liberty to inform manufacturers about ongoing exchange of actions.”

Extra discounts for the purchase of clean cars are part of a package of new measures with which the Federal government wants to avoid a Diesel-driving bans in 15 cities with high air pollution.

The ADAC warned now, many of those Affected would understand the letters of the KBA as a “one-sided promotional statement in favor of the said manufacturer”, and some even so that you can avoid the threat of driving bans, only by exchange of the cars at BMW, Mercedes or VW. According to the accounts given by the ADAC-members, it would lead to an “Erosion in confidence in state facilities”, when they occur as “run-up to the facilities of automotive manufacturers”. In the case of the remaining letters of the KBA should inform therefore “neutral on the measures of all the manufacturers”.

The Advisory Board at the KBA had only been in the summer, set up to take account of consumer and environmental interests.

+++ 05.20 PM: USA to finish air refueling saudi Arabian aircraft in the Yemen +++

The Saudi Arabia in the Yemen-led coalition intends to renounce U.S. aid in the refueling of their aircraft. The saudi news Agency, Saudi Press Agency reported early Saturday morning citing a communication from the government, the coalition have increased their own skills in air to air refuelling in the civil war country and, in coordination with the United States, the termination of the support requested. The United States, Saudi Arabia in addition, weapons and military intelligence skills.

After the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Istanbul Consulate of his country, the United States came because of their help even more in the criticism. In Yemen, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia fighting against the troops of the exiled exiled government. Since 2014, Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of a coalition of Arab States against the Houthi militias.

+++ 04.50 PM: train in October unpunctual +++

The Deutsche Bahn in October, again unpunctual. Only 71.8 percent of the Intercity, Eurocity and ICE arrived on time – what do you mean, after the railway-Definition: less than six minutes after the scheduled time. This is the second-weakest value this year, after the rate in September and 72.7 percent had somewhat improved.

railway announces extensive construction work starting in 2019 at AFP

The company is made primarily to the Brand of the ICE is the responsibility of a days-long lockdown had high-speed line Köln-Frankfurt. According to the Regelfahrplan on two tracks, the trains go there from the age of 18. November.

the transport network suffered under the track block, because of the long-distance trains were diverted on the routes. 92.6 percent of regional trains were on time. This is the worst Month in this year.

+++ 04.32 PM: forest fires rage in California – at least nine people Dead +++

ie severe forest fires in California have a catastrophic destruction of the led and according to the authorities, at least nine lives. In the town of Paradise in the North of the state of people died in their burning cars. Also the jet-set resort of Malibu in the South is another large fire in danger. As the fire and rescue services, the spread of the fires by refreshing winds are extremely fast. In the vicinity of the fire area the size of six football fields, ate in just a Minute.

+++ 04.04 PM: demand for flu vaccinations has increased – regional bottlenecks +++

In some Parts of Germany, you can according to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI) is currently not immediately be vaccinated against influenza. “There are regional shortages and we are trying to figure out where you are,” said spokeswoman Susanne Stöcker in Long. This is not to try the PEI via a reporting system, the results would be but still. “In General, we observe no nationwide vaccine shortage.”

According to information of the German family doctors ‘ Association, for example, is reported from lower Saxony bottlenecks. Difficulties in the supply of Influenza vaccines were regional differences. Overall, wave after violent Flu in the past year more people are vaccinated: “We made the practices more feedback that the demand for flu vaccinations has increased,” said the national Chairman Ulrich Weigeldt.

The regional shortages are, according to the assessment of the PEI is more of a distribution problem. Overall, the PEI have been released so far, 15.7 million doses, which would need to cover the current needs. “There is an unequal distribution, what it is, we can’t tell you,” says the spokeswoman. This attempts to clarify the PEI.

+++ 01.48 PM: Kramp-Karrenbauer: auto companies are to fast for Diesel-retrofit figures +++

CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has warned the auto companies as quickly as possible for the cost of a Diesel retrofit. “Automotive companies should know that they are playing with fire. The Diesel crisis is not only their sales, but confidence in their products,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer, the Newspapers of the Funke media group (Saturday editions). Where a technical upgrade is possible, should you be made to and from the automotive companies to be paid – “the faster, the better”. Daimler and Volkswagen want to take the cost of the retrofit until after 2020.

The candidate for the CDU presidency also called for a change in the law: “The auto companies will pay penalties that you need to make, to the state budget,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer. “This money should go instead into a Fund, from which measures for the improvement of air quality, funded, or compensation paid to motorists.”

+++ 01.24 PM: Spahn wants to ban questionable alternative medical therapies +++ star exclusive The great Report So dangerous a naturopath in Germany By Bernhard Albrecht

Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU). wants to ban according to a media report, medical practitioner, patients with self-mixed drugs and questionable fresh cell-based therapies to treat This includes legal regulations on the way, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the broadcaster NDR reports. “Patients need to be sure that you drug damage,” said Spahn of the newspaper. “Therefore, we will prohibit the manufacture, sale and application of fresh cells. And therefore prescription-only medicinal products should be produced in the future, only in the exceptional case of medical practitioners.” It is planned to amend the medicines act accordingly.

ikr / DPA / AFP