Detlev Zander is known for the fact that he lets his anger out, if need be. Today it is time again: “I boil inside,” he says.

the Protestant Church in Germany, short-EKD has announced, at its Synod in Würzburg, that you want to strengthen the education of sexual abuse in their own ranks.

The Hamburger Bishop Kirsten Fehrs presented an Eleven-point Plan, according to which new abuse studies, and a Central, independent point of contact should be established. For the better workup, the EKD provides in the coming year to 1.3 million euros.

pike was a guest of the Synod, and would like his opinion from the point of view expressed. He was not allowed to. In 1963, the 58-Year-old, according to his own statement in the children’s home of the brethren Korntal, Baden-Württemberg. “Four years ago, I was raped for the first Time, this went on until I was 14,” he says.

at Least three men had sex with him, says Zander. Not to mention by educators of the physical calamities, “orgies of Beatings, forced labour, the call to eat vomit”. In June, 2018 submitted the report speaks of a minimum of 81 offenders and up to 300 minors who are Victims of maltreatment and abuse.

Much of what the skilled tells a nurse, is reminiscent of the reports of abused children from the ranks of the Regensburger Domspatzen. However, Zander lived in a Catholic institution, but in a Protestant – pietist focus, Evangelical – but, nevertheless, a public Corporation, in cooperation with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg.

Zander was not the only victim – since he 2014 the acts from the Fifties to eighties, the public, have reported many alleged sufferers. “We were raped, knowingly, the brethren Church has covered up the deeds,” says Zander. None of the perpetrators had been held accountable, the education leave younger Attacks the outside. With an amount between € 1000 and € 20,000, the municipality will compensate those victims whose shield were classified as plausible. Zander was one of them.

“What money, what is the use of new studies if the Vertuscher will not be punished?”, he asks. “We are Concerned and want to know how the cover-up was even possible, and how to prevent them.”

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Since the first major failure of domestic scandals in the Catholic Church starting in 2010, the corresponding actions in the institutions of the EKD. A study in ten out of 20 of the country churches documented 479 mostly criminal law cases contractually time-barred abuse. Betexper Most occurred in the Fifties, Sixties and seventies in Church parishes, and diaconal institutions, the majority of the Affected children were, according to the EKD. Against this Background, the diakonia Germany announced a scientific study to abuse in their facilities.

“If it was alone in the children’s home of Korntal 300 Affected – how to get then on 479 victims in half of all the country churches?”, Zander asks. Officially, the extent of child abuse in the Evangelical Church in Germany is lower than in the Catholic Church: The reports in their recent study of 3677 Victims and 1670 offenders in the past 50 years. But the experience has shown that a much higher number of unreported results of such comparisons anyway to the point of absurdity.

in view of the massive criticism of the systemic abuse in Catholic institutions, the accusation was loud, the EKD-managers would benefit hide in the wind shadow of the Catholic scandals, so to speak, that the Catholic clergy stand in the pillory. The EKD met, pointed out that work-up and prevention would be driven in the country churches.

“We have debt loaded on us,” said the Hamburg Bishop Fehrs last week, in an Interview with “”. The resignation of her Predecessor, Maria Jepsen in connection with abuse cases, in Ahrensburg, Germany, shows that at Least in the Take over of responsibility to Protestant incumbents are sometimes more determined than Catholics.

The EKD Council chair Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (file photo)

Fehrs, there are in the EKD “specific risk factors”, the analyze, it applies more clearly than before. The Independent Commission for the reappraisal of child sexual abuse had complained that cases of abuse in Protestant institutions, structural causes in the Church””. There is evidence that perpetrators had been protected.

A further weakness is the structure of The Protestant churches is decentralized, reclamation processes take place at the regional level. In only ten of the 20 independent commissions are established churches to abuse workup. There is a lack of pooled data and the big picture. According to Fehrs in the EKD usually flat hierarchies can also be a Problem – if it is not clear who is the contact person for sexual abuse.

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The EKD Council chair Heinrich Bedford-Strohm asked victims of sexual abuse within the Protestant Church, to report. “We want to do everything possible to prevent that something like this happens,” said the Bishop in the Bavarian broadcasting. Reports of Affected could contribute to a comprehensive education.

With Material of the agencies of