
Wolfgang Streblow (l.) and Jürgen Hartwig brought the lion in some conflicts

©MG RTL D / Bernd-Michael Maurer

The latest episode of “the cave of The lion” begins harmless: Lisa Jedlicki (25) and Anna-Alexia Hoffmann (28) present with a dog Balou their “Walkie”App – a Gassigeh App, which is designed to simplify dog owners life. 300,000 euros do you want to share for 20 percent of the company. The idea behind it all: One Bay for his dog, a “dog-walkers” and can follow the walk live via the App.

“Nice idea,” says dog owner, Dagmar Wöhrl (64). But dogs were, however, like children that don’t trust one wool each. The other lions are more interested in the Numbers. So far, the two founders of the Ledger inside of five “Walks” of the day. Five. “The Numbers are cruel,” says Carsten Maschmeyer (59) and is out. Frank Thelen (43) – and the other lions also prefer with your dogs. No Deal for the App.

Ironing-Fight between Wöhrl and Williams

The next founder is Ralph gon (47) and comes from Hamburg. And that is exactly what will help him at the end of his Deal. With “CAPS in the Air” has he invented a coat hanger that can be filled with capsules for repelling moths. Nespresso for the wardrobe, so to speak. 200,000 euros he would like to have for 20 per cent of the shares. But Carsten Maschmeyer to reports, the first doubts, when he learns that the refill capsules in the Pack for almost 30 euros will be sold. He use for the combat moths with lavender bags which are significantly cheaper.

Also, Thelen does not see the added value and between Judith Williams (46), and Dagmar Wöhrl, a rule ensues on the right-Ironing-Fight: “The are no straps for women,” says Wöhrl. “But,” replied Judith Williams. “I’m Ironing.” Wöhrl: “no, these straps are too thick.” Williams: “I’ve got just such a strap”. Wöhrl, meanwhile, excited: “Now, let me talk to the end.” Williams: “Okay, you’re the expert.” Even if Williams uses such Ironing, it is not a Deal for you.

Ralf and Ralph stick together

Almost all Betmoon of them are out to Ralf Dümmel (51): “If Ralf says to Ralph from Hamburg, EUR 200,000 for 30 per cent, we have a Deal.” The two agree and Maschmeyer also provides a matching Slogan: “clothes without moth”. “The star you”, can’t resist Judith Williams as a comment.

their finest hour is also the founder Benjamin Kremer (28) and Noel Bollmann (25) hope. All your money and that of their parents, the two have “YFood”, healthy, liquid food, stuck. 200,000 euros you want to see for 10 percent of its shares in the company. In three flavours, it gives your Drink that costs 2.99 Euro and thus just under the “Doner” threshold of three euros. Maschmeyer’s not good, and he’s out. Thelen finds the founder and product but good and offers $ 200,000 for 20 percent. Wöhrl and Dümmel want to get involved, but the founder of “super happy” with the deal by Thelen.

Harmonious inventor couple bathing

In the double pack is the harmonic inventor couple Monika Steidl (54) and Markus Kubitschek (46) from Simbach at the Inn. Have invented it “pool athlete” and want to 160.000 Euro for 20 per cent of the shares. Your invention allows it to swim even in small pools, endless long. Carsten Maschmeyer will not like to be with a cord held, Thelen interested in it but Dümmel has the seahorse and check out the “pool athlete”. At the end of it because of his gut feeling, but decides against it. “Human are so sweet”, to find all the couples, but without a Deal it is for the two to go home.

much better it runs for a physiotherapist Sabine Kroker and her husband Jens. Sabine has invented “Aktimed,” a kinesiology Tape that is enriched with active ingredients. For example, neck pain can be treated. EUR 150,000 for 10 percent of the company’s shares had Sabine for her life’s work of the lions. Carsten Maschmeyer has positioned itself: “I know formula 1 drivers and football players.” Together with Ralf Dümmel, he provides 150,000 euros for 25 percent, and the Deal is hammered out.

“I’m not going to purgatory when I invest?”

The last Investment. Jürgen Hartwig (63) and Wolfgang Streblow (64) present habits of your wine refined “Darguner sauce” of vinegar in a monk. 20,000 euros they want for 20 percent of the shares. There are two varieties: Apple cider vinegar with White wine or red wine. The lion’s tastes , even if some of the sauce too sweet. Significantly more exciting than the product, the lion, in this case, the founders – and are relieved when they find out that it is not real monks.

“I thought: Oh, God, what if I say I don’t want to invest, do I get to purgatory?”, Carsten maschmeyer considered. Of him is sweet, the sauce, however, and he gets out. For Thelen’s all too wild, Dümmel praises the successful PR appearance, and Dr. Georg Kofler (61) has a “strained” relationship with the Church. “Geez”, he thought. Dagmar Wöhrl recommends the once-a-year a silent stay in a monastery, but the sauce doesn’t find a Investor.
