Lucy Barton is the great Unknown. Only in the second half, the main character of the novel appears even before there are only stories and rumors to you.

Lucy Barton is a successful writer in New York. As a child, grew up in great poverty, she had been frighteningly thin, and shy. Your Precariat-the liberation of Elizabeth strout’s great novel revolves, “Everything is possible”, is cleverly constructed and subtly, each Nano-branching of the human Psyche illuminates. All the protagonists seek, somehow Occurs in your life, but then the fate of bend in between nasty way. From the small happiness to the maximum mess, it is often only a tiny step.

The Barton’s. A desperately poor family in a small town in the Midwest. Three children, Lucy, Pete and Vicky. They regularly search the dumpsters behind a nearby Café for food scraps. At home it is strictly forbidden to eat, to throw away, and when the kids do it anyway, you have to scrape the remnants out of the trash and eat it – desperation, tears, or. Other people in the city, the children are ridiculed, even by some teachers.

Lucy stays after school often in the school and reads to home. You make it to College, going later to New York, succeeding as a writer and makes the reader travel across the States. When the father dies, comes to you for a moment to the funeral home. After 17 years pass before she dares to return to their homeland to visit her lonely brother Pete. But the Meeting of the three siblings in fiasco, as you dig together old memories. Lucy gets a panic attack and hand to take a short escape. The past is overpowering, still.

DISPLAY Elizabeth Strout:
Anything is possible

From the American by Sabine Roth

Luchterhand, 256 pages, 20 Euro

Lucy’s story is just one of many tragicomedies from the small town that skillfully weaves Elizabeth Strout. Each story could stand up for himself, but also works in the context perfectly. Here, the author succeed in strong characters, which one would like to know more, because you amaze a repeatedly – in their Wickedness and in their weaknesses. And because you will feel while reading is often caught in the own shortcomings.

Dottie Blaine, who runs after her divorce, a bed-and-Breakfast, is anything other than an angel. Once mixed in, secretly, a few drops of your spit in the jam well, you are the arrogant cardiologist and his talkative wife at the Breakfast table. Out of revenge, because she feels badly treated by them. Not particularly imaginative, clear, Dottie self, but it is good for their own Psycho-Hygiene. With a fine sense of Humor, the author portrays this wonderfully human turmoil.

Zig puzzle stone to produce a biography

again and again, it’s amazing how people hang together, even if you have to go out of the way. Mary is 78 and lives in Italy, married to a much younger Italian. Your favorite daughter, Angelina, missing the mother and forgives her hard to your Italian adventure, which she feels as a betrayal. For several years she waits until she visits her mother in Italy. The proximity of the mother and the daughter, however, also has some Afflictions, such as Mary is: “And you’ve always taken so much space in my heart that it was sometimes almost a burden.”

There are those fine-nerved refractions, which make the novel the American novelist, and also in the German Translation by Sabine Roth of the Swing. A feeling is a feeling is a feeling? Yes, but often its exact opposite is one of a feeling.

Elizabeth Strout

Elizabeth Strout, born in 1956, has published several award-winning novels. Lucy Barton already appeared once as the protagonist, namely, in the two years ago published the novel “The imperfection of love”. With “Everything is possible” has registered the best-selling author in the series of the great American writers. The human soul is in Strout is a chameleon that constantly changes its color, a chaotic data, no Psycho App of the world sufficiently could lettuce explain.

Also Lucy Barton, the main character, remains ultimately inscrutable. Just because it is in this novel are largely absent, surrounds you with a mysterious Aura, and as a reader you have to put together your biography of dozens of Puzzle stones. It would be too easy if it would be different.