The largest land mammal of Europe is a pretty impressive appearance: Up to 1.90 metres tall can be bison and up to a ton of hard. On the run, the animals can run, if necessary, to 60 kilometers per hour fast and two-Meter-high obstacles to overcome.

Even a few Hundred years ago bison in European forests were nothing special. But this has changed, the animals were almost extinct in the meantime. Currently, in Germany there is exactly a free-living herd in North Rhine-Westphalia in the Rothaargebirge. And to be fiercely argued.

her irrepressible appetite for bark could be the animals for doom. The herd return to the enclosure, or even relocating to Eastern Poland threatens – when the forest farmers are brought to give up their resistance.

The fronts have hardened over the years. On Friday, the dispute over the fate of the bison in North Rhine reached-Westphalia, the Rothaargebirge, the Federal court of justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe. A quick solution is not in sight.


The Federal and state-funded species protection project was started with high hopes. In an enclosure in Bad Berleburg the herd bull Egnar and head cow Araneta was built. In April 2013, the eight animals in the fence was opened to freedom. Only a few weeks later, the first young animal to the world.

in the Meantime, has increased the herd to more than 20 animals, appreciates the support of the Association, on more than 30, say, the forest farmers. The bison have expanded their territory: they do not stay to Sayn in the woods by Richard Prince-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, who had initiated the project before his death. It draws you into the adjacent Sauerland where you can go with a preference to the protected beech trees to the bark.

What helps? Lock lining? Border fence? Mats?

in The beginning paid for the damage insurance, in the meantime, the state of NRW co-financed compensation Fund is set up. The Problem is not solved: “We do not want to be compensated for them, the forest dies, part of us,” said the Supreme court lawyer of one of the foresters. “We want this Book to be protected.” The means for the forest farmers: the bison remain your basic remote.

The club has played all the possible solutions: The bison should be brought to the lure of food to a different flavor. It was thought about a border fence, Schälmatten to the trees, themselves shepherds who keep the flock in the eye.

The higher regional Jokerbet court (OLG) Hamm convinced none of it: The judges of 2017 to the conclusion that the ownership of the forest farmers can only be protected by the bison to be captured. You could then, for example in the national Park of Bialowieza on the Polish-Belarusian border. The Association should strive for an exception to the approval of the conservation authority. Because it is forbidden, “wild animals of the especially protected species, to catch, to injure or to kill.”

Are the bison wild animals?

This ruling is likely to have no stock. The Supreme civil judge of the Supreme court doubted at the hearing on Friday that the bison are wild animals. Because of the contract on the current “release” phase in the experiences to be collected, establishes the Association as the owner and holder of the animals. Only at the end of this Phase it will be decided whether the bison “will be abandoned” – or the project cancelled.

The presiding judge Christina Stresemann suggested that the managers in no uncertain terms, to wait forever for the courts, but to go to the next step, quasi-alone. The fate of the European bison depends also on how the next Phase will be addressed. In deciding whether the project has a future, should also be the concerns of the forest farmers are taken into account.

Back to the higher regional court of Hamm?

the First Chairman of The bison Association, Bernd Fuhrmann, announced his intention to seek dialogue with the parties to the contract. “We are of the firm Conviction that we have very good arguments for the continuation of the unique species protection project in the Rothaargebirge mountains.”

The Supreme court on the question of whether, possibly, the nature conservation act obliges the forest owners to tolerate the bison. That depends on whether the project agreement was effectively closed. The wailing forest farmers were not involved in it.

Now, both sides have time until 18. January to take 2019 position. Before the judgment, there could be a second hearing in Karlsruhe. You must then deal with the higher regional court of Hamm again with the case. Discussions of bison, there could be meanwhile, in other Parts of Germany. Researchers in the country have identified far ten areas in which the animals from their point of view, could life.

Christian Parth, chs/Anja bread smelled, dpa