I work as a Model since I was 14 years old. Meanwhile, so pretty much exactly half of my life. The question was put to me in all the years, the most common, is not about “How this is to be only on the Exterior of the reduced?” or “How to keep slim?”, although both are quite classic. What people are most interested in, is obviously the supposedly glamorous life of the Fashion or entertainment industry: “there Are these wild parties?” or: “Depends on you each night on Gala Dinners and luxury parties?” The curiosity is large, subliminally, the scandal addiction. Germany is a country, the judges like, especially condemned. So come, then, dear, it is reported, someone had drunk too much champagne, and then in the hotel lobby, threw up, as that the same Party is still 600 other goods that have been drinking most of the time Juice, because they had the other morning a Job again.

Cathy Hummels is not Claudia Effenberg in young Marie from the Benken Andreas Puhl

As she was discovered with 14 years on the spitalerstrasse in Hamburg by the great German model Agency “Place”, prophesied to her that she would land on all the covers of the world. For many years, you watched the Fashion circus from different perspectives and behind the camera and works as a Model, designer and author. In 2011, she began to share her life semi-autobiographical on Twitter. Their rapidly growing range brought her numerous requests from magazines, TV channels and publishers.

I can understand that part. Spewing celebrities sell better, than narrow-minded. That’s okay, even if it often draws a distorted picture of the actual Evening. Less well I’m coming with Sensations messages that are derived from the absurd, unfair, constructed Together. An example: I spent a couple of weeks ago a short holiday in Croatia, in the Villa of Cathy and Mats Hummels. You can keep it from Cathy, what you want is up to you. I have, however, met in the days in Croatia Cathy Hummels, above all, a loving mother and a successful business woman. Cathy’s focus in life is her family, her husband and her son, Ludwig. But she is also a successful Influencerin and entrepreneur, offers holiday villas for rent, has written a Yoga book, or (as suitable, as a native child of Munich, who grew up with the Oktoberfest) Costume collection, designed. This is because, of course, different, than, for example, a Claudia Effenberg from the game women Generation before her, about the Uli Hoeness once said: “First she makes the married Thomas Strunz ran, and as the money is less, she goes to Stefan Effenberg.”

It is not OK, “OK”

This is what makes Cathy a fixture in the German media landscape. Your Instagram Account is analysed daily, she is a permanent guest in Star magazines. Gossip-sheets, at the Kiosk with mostly made-up scandals and their love of truth just behind statements like “Nobody has the intention of building a wall” or “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” ranks. Cathy is always a victim of this disclosure industry. These days, the magazine “OK the headline” Pulitzer prize suspicious manner, Mats Hummels would leave his Cathy now. Oh, you think because in the first Moment. A young family, the son not even a year old, what the hell is that? Such a young fortune, you don’t throw away so easy. Since the “OK not researched” in a safe reputable, in order for such a statement stands on feet of clay. And actually – this is not on feet of clay. Clay is a Material that would withstand a few shocks.


title page of “OK!”

©rain Dolphin/Instagram

The “evidence” in the Story about the marriage-end in the home of Hummels, however, had rather the capacity of a rotten strawberry. As a clear indication that Mats Hummels would want from his wife and the mother of his son to separate, was used to be Like-behavior on Instagram. The Investigative Department of the “OK” had found that Mats of the images of other women liked. Barbara Palvin, for example, or Taylor’s Hill and Lorena Rae. All current Victoria’s Secret Models by the way, on average, 400,000 to 1,000,000 Likes on their pictures. If that proves anything, can’t I just be glad I’m not prominent. I’ve liked a picture of Jan böhmermann – and want to be really talked, no one in an affair.

The adventure of the Fake News Girl

This abstruse evidence in the case, Cathy Hummels, of course, only an example of what the Public, supposedly and as such reports see the light of the world. Perhaps one of the reasons that also in the case of Models, the question of wild parties more often than to personal goals, or at least diet plans. The Aufbausch works of the Gossip media. Hardly, Toni Garrn is in a Club, in which Leonardo DiCaprio has been spotted on time, wrote the Cover-Story quickly: “love comeback with Toni Garrn and Leo”. Helene Fischer wearing a baggy T-Shirt in the garbage out wearing zack – “Helene, and Florian silver iron – Finally pregnant!” Marvel would start about the author of such an article, a Comic book series, Kalebet you would be called “Fake News Girl”.

How little close, these reports are often to the truth, one sees in the model area. Of course, there are parties, especially at big Events like Fashion Week, when the industry from all over the world come together in one place and celebrating. Or in the case of large productions, where many of the protagonists involved. But the alleged drug-excesses, alcohol-escapades and Sex-orgies, in the media and the minds of the people around ghosts, webs and 99 percent of the invented sensational stories, or the brain.

Influencer & Models in Party mode, Maries model check Mode is politics, or: Why all hate Heidi Klum?

exactly How UN-glamorous the Party-life in the Model, and Influencer industry is actually, I would like to sketch two short examples. The assumption that it would go in Models, and Influencers at night, so right to the wild thing, is alone excluded, for the reason that when you’re in a deadline intensive fashion week, often early in the morning first Call Times, fitting or styling. Who is booked as a Model for the first Show at nine o’clock, must present themselves – depending on the cost of Couture and the corresponding Make-Ups and Hairstyles, often already at five in the morning. In an industry in the it is primarily a healthy, fit, young, tight, flawless appearance, with a riotous night of partying, pre-ill-advised. Alcohol, lack of sleep and bad air are not your friends, and your skin will not soon forget.

Thus, Weeks or other similar Events, the majority of the potential candidate falls during the Fashion for legendary dance away the nights alone because of professional reasons. But not only for multi-day events such as fashion week, with countless appointments, but also in the case of a single event, the reality of the glittering Jay-Gatsby-Party-images in the minds of outsiders.

Party Like Gina-Lisa

On Saturday for example, I was invited together with other Influencers, such as GNTM-Starlet Klaudia with a K, American idol Deputy, Sarah Lombardi, Bachelor Paul Janke, jungle Camp winner Joey Heindl and fitness trainer Basti good life to the new interactive Internet-TV-Action-Show “power games”. During the rehearsals, philosopher, we were all highly motivated, which Clubs and Bars we would make that night in Munich still on the head. As the live broadcast was over then around 21 o’clock and all were back safely in the Hotel, the reality is somewhat different.

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{advertisement/Ad} • #about last night • Best #crew ever at the @e. on_se #power games • See “Team turquoise” kicking “Team Red” out off the arena on Facebook (Link in Story) • #munich • (If only @Patrice bouedibela’s arm, what is height longer)

A post shared by Marie from the Benken (@rain Dolphin) on Nov 4, 2018 at 5:58pm PST

The entire Team – from the moderators-Duo (Vanessa Meisinger, who has won pop stars and Patrice Bouédibéla, of the many pop stars interviewed already) about the Agency to the production company, – sat at the end in a for 40 people, much to small hotel rooms, and peeped in the television of a completely Nude Gina-Lisa Lohfink at the “Adam seeks eve”. The wildest on this evening was the coffee table, where a variety of alcoholic beverages in elegant tin cans piled and Sitting on the floor like student party-times. In Clubs remained unvisited, the most exciting, the outside world remained the bachelorette goodbye that greeted us unexpectedly in the hotel lobby. However, not just an Ego-Pusher for most of us. The already slightly säuselten interested mid-thirties in short party dresses exclusively for New-Chippendale Paul Janke. The selfie density was high, Instagram had some celebrity snapshots and more – just not from me. Pff. Just because I’m not in the Chippendales dance. Where is the #Aufschrei movement, when you need them?

the main thing, Alessio TV is a good criticism of the “Adam seeks eve” Too much of the stem as the “extremely homemade” Gina-Lisa your Naked sailor frightened

Finally, not so it can be freely said that my Highlight of the weekend must about a wild Party, or the Grand celebrity night life in Munich has been, but finally the legendary Alessio personally get to know. A truly – and I write entirely irony-free – magical Boy who likes to wine grapes, with his robot plays, and his mother very loves. If the Motto “the main thing is that Alessio is good, may I say: don’t Worry! And just for the record: As Lisa gave a lot of beer and the naked Gina-Alessio a long time in bed.

Until then: lots of love, your Marie