coconut oil has a remarkable career. In Germany, the white fat was a few years ago barely known, now it is traded as a supposed Superfood. Supermarkets have responded to the increased demand, and often sell several varieties of coconut oil, some of them in Bio-quality. Even discounters such as Aldi and Lidl lead the Trendöl in the range. But how good is the quality of the offered coconut oils?

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Stiftung Warentest has taken 15 of coconut oils closer under the microscope and on the presence of harmful substances checked In addition, the Tester wanted to know whether coconut oil is actually so healthy, how often in the Internet, it is alleged. In the current issue of the auditor to draw a sobering conclusion: studies on the effect of coconut oil in humans would be missing. Many health promises, such as the coconut oil fight viruses and bacteria were, therefore, not assignable. On the contrary, Some scholars even warn against the risks of too much coconut oil in the diet. It could harm, therefore, the heart and circulation.

Natively, refined or fractionated – where is the difference?

The coconut oil is usually pressed from dried coconut meat. The addition of “native” stands for a particularly high grade, and says that the Oil is cold pressed and natural.

Refined coconut is sold in fat than so-called plate fat in the supermarket and is often used for deep-frying. It is an industrial product, which is hardened and deodorized. Coconut oil loses in the course of processing, the typical coconut Aroma and taste, is neutral.

Stiftung Warentest advises, therefore, to consume coconut oil in moderation and occasionally. It’ll bring exotic flavors to the food Pasgol and lend itself well to Frying, as the auditor. The Oil contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which are particularly heat-stable. When Heated in the pan, it plays according to test no matter whether virgin or refined coconut oil (such as Palmin) is used – both are equally good.

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In the current Test cut the Oils “mostly not bad”, writes test. They cost between 11 and 30 Euro per litre. “Many of the tested Oils are taste good, are suitable for Frying.” Five of the Oils have a good test result, seven are satisfactory. Two of the three marker lights in the Test are from Dr. Goerg and Danlee. Here’s the Declaration were criticized test in the first place: Both manufacturers advertise illegal information on the packaging.

The coconut oil gets a Good Bio of Aldi Nord is the only product in the Test, a “Defective”. In the laboratory showed a test were Held for five different pollutants in the “high or even very high, to” to be, among other things, a plasticizer and mineral Oil components, which are suspected to be carcinogenic. In addition, the testers were able to prove that the Oil was not “natively”, as indicated on the package. In the product were acetate and TRANS-fatty acids. These are created when Oil is refined.

Stiftung Warentest Aldi Nord made on the test results carefully. The discounters decided to take the Oil out of the trade.

test winner from the drugstore

The best coconut oil is also one of the cheapest products in the Test. The “organic coconut oil native” of dm costs about 13 Euro per Liter, and cuts off the test grade “Good” (2,1). The testers praised the “very good” injection behavior, the chemical quality and the clear Declaration.

The full Test with all the test results there are for a fee
