20 years after the adoption of the “Washington principles” Germany and the United States again for full clarification of the NS-Kunstraubs. At an international conference in Berlin, the two sides signed a Declaration. After this the Nazi-stolen works of art “where possible” to the heirs of the former owner returned. If this is not possible in individual cases, should be found a different “fair and equitable solution”.

“The reappraisal of the national socialist art robbery is a lasting obligation, especially for Germany,” said state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU). “Even 20 years later, we will continue to meet this responsibility.

In the “Washington Declaration” committed themselves, in 1998, more than 40 States for the first time, the crimes of the Nazis against art collectors and dealers, to inform and to seek an agreement with the descendants of the Gencobahis victims.

At the current affirmation in addition to Grütters also foreign-Minister of state Michelle Müntefering (SPD), as well as the two US special envoy for Holocaust issues, Stuart Eizenstat and Thomas Yazdgerdi, part.

until Wednesday, the current conference want to pull more than 1000 professionals from all over the world, a balance sheet of the previous reconnaissance work and new tasks set. The meeting will take place at the invitation of the German center for lost Cultural goods in Magdeburg. The money comes mainly from the budget of the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters.

Video: Hitler’s silverware – German museums, bunkers and Nazi treasures (MIRROR TV, 2013)

