If one buys a cat, everything changes. Anyone with a cat will confirm that. After a short period of time, the cat is the Boss. You have to believe me. I got the whole conversion from A to Z by made. Before we had cats, told me about a well-Known, that she was invited by her Boss at home about a work conversation. While the two at the table, various points have been clarified, the cat Breitling’s.
“no!” I said, indignant.
“But!”, nodded my friend quite seriously.
And I said: “That is impossible!” and my friend has a stormy nodded with the head. Today, when one of our cats jumps on the table, say something like: “Yes, are you there?” or “Yeah, you want to also join in the conversation!” or “Yeah, did you jump so great on the table.”

I should be ashamed, I know. But I can nothing for it! The manipulated by cuteness. This is unfair. We have a couple, siblings, love each other deeply. The cat, Yuki, and eats poorly. If he jumps then in the evening, on the expensive Velcro ceiling and where happy falls asleep, I can’t pry him off of there. I don’t just get the heart and put me instead a warmer Sweater. Sleeping so peacefully, the little guy.


Claudia Herrmann says about himself: “I am the best mother and the best wife. And certainly not the best daughter. Perfection, others may not – I. At some point I’ve decided that doesn’t matter to me. This works best with a huge dose of self-irony.”

©Private cat hair everywhere (even in food)

at All: no Matter how cleaning diligently, hygienic, and clean they were in front of the cat feeder, from now on, cat hair everywhere. No matter how often you vacuum and wipe. This is a fight against windmills. Believe me, I tried! I have vacuumed every day in the morning and in the evening wiped. It is not possible to be this hair flood. I have resigned myself now that I’m vacuuming every other day, twice a week, swipe and I’m about half an hour cats hair-free period. The cat hairs are also from time to time in the eating. Yes, I know this is ultra disgusting! I’ve said before. But it is unfortunately a fact. My in Cologne, students’s daughter, who tells us from time to time visited: “Home is where the cat hair are!” That’s pretty good.

If I Miezis have been working all day I am running late and the shop had to, of course, properly hungry, and both are already meowing in the driveway of Europe. I then go in the shoes and the jacket in a hurry in the kitchen, throw the purchases temporarily in the corner and hasten to you as soon as your dinner, while the two heart-meow-rending next to me. Although I myself have not eaten since the vanilla yogurt in the Morning, nothing more and the two of them had dry food available.

Bavaria series “is the Lord’s home” The most Important thing in the cat education, to always remain consistent – so theoretically Puke? Only on the good carpet!

I don’t care that our cat, Birdie, pukes, in principle, the expensive white carpet. Quite on target. Before she leaves nothing out, only if it is on carpet. And I’ll say something like: “Yes, Birdie! Did you have to puke! You Poor. Now is good again, eh. Now is good again.” While I treat for the umpteenth time, the fucking carpet with the special funds. Even Birdie is a very successful hunter, which brings like proud birds, dragonflies, mice, and ten inches of big fish with home. Every time she looks at us with pride and we applaud half-heartedly. The cat does that because she thinks you is a bad hunter.

We are also lousy feeder. Somehow, I never do it right. A whole month just “Whiskas Ragout poultry” (not beef!), all other food is ignored, in the next month, Felix, the lamb of jelly is only “”. All other feeds will be ignored varieties. It is also important, where the food is. There are places, as also the correct type of feed is not denied, because the place is true.

treats? Pfff!

My brother has a bitch. The eats any treats I offer her, so fast I can’t even see it. Our Chicks look at the treats with suspicion and if you are lucky, you have done it right: The ball of fur can deign to eat the stupid treat.

If the feed is not adequate, it will eat the cat, nothing more, and the owner a lot of Worry. And every cat owner will agree with me!! But I think, at this time, anyway only proud kitty holders this article.

So we can talk openly.

Bayern series At Lord’s dahoam Is’ really beautiful here! What is happening in Bavaria – even if you find it hard to believe

I don’t know about you, but we had to get a tattoo, the complete security program: cats, castrating, vaccinating, and chipping. Neck-band with Kalebet retaining data in the plastic ball around the neck, unfortunately, was due to a lack of cat readiness is not possible. In addition, we have a cat flap, which is controlled by the Chip, install.

Finally, the two a few times came much later home than usual and I got the two 20 at concerned looking for. That’s why I bought the meow finder. That’s the real name! The meow finder funktioiniert in accordance with the Principle of an avalanche beeper. The Dog is wearing the collar with the transmitter and you have to leave the neighborhood loop-shaped, then you will find the Miauzer at some point. You have to take into account that the neighbours don’t think you have all cups in the cupboard. While GPS hold does not work if the cat is locked in the basement. That’s my top nightmare. The kitty is dying of thirst 30 feet away in the neighbor’s basement! But I am also covered is concerned, I don’t know, I can’t help it.


As he looks back, Yuki!

©Private Spoiled high-ten

My husband is not but also better. The cat sleeps a lot with his head in his Hand. Only now, the falling asleep of him after no more than half an hour, the shoulder. He draws it is still a further 30 minutes. Because the cat is sleeping so cute in the dream with his paw an imaginary bird catches, and he brings the heart to disturb him. Incredibly, how to throw his own Ideals through the pile, only because the kitty looks so adorable.

the same, if you are sitting in front of the PC, a deadline, and the cat settles unerringly on the keyboard. “I have to work now!”, to say so seriously Cat. The cat looks a serious back, with a look that signals: “I NEED to be stroked!”

We have not actually decided at some point that the cats allowed in the bedroom. Now let’s be honest: Who holds the super cute little cat at night at the bedroom door make any electronical noises? Since you are allowed to have but not a beating heart in your chest, or?? Stupid is only when the soreness on the fresh geodelten (with manure-fertilized, Anm. d. Red.) Field of the neighbors

… and to the little hangover stomach ache, I realize, if the belly is a little swollen. Then I’ll make him a hot water bottle. He may be right. The Small of the back had problems, because we had a very nice competent cats-Osteopath. So a lot of cat owners are, I think, not more, so what.

And then came Chilli

One day, has managed to get our daughter a 450-Euro-Job. In The Animal Shelter. After two months, the super-dearest-most rewarding-old cat was there, the neglected had been found. The cat was so grateful, that when you stroked him, he drooled uncontrollably. Hannah came home and invited me to visit said cat with her. My husband said very seriously: “honey, it’s okay, if you’re going there, but we take no animals! Seriously.” I’m very seriously nodded and said: “Yes. No longer an animal!” But let’s be honest: If he hinlässt me, it is your own fault …

Claudia Herrmann, “Full-ungechillt! How I survived the adolescence of my children”, 282 pages, grove press, € 9.99, here, can be ordered

Now it is moved to the old “Chilli” and we have three cats. Chilli is so love-starved that he basically goes to bed with us and purring and thankful between us is sleeping. If you pet him on the cheeks, he presses his head tenderly in the face. Three weeks after moving in, he got a severe case of pneumonia, ate nothing, and panting. My husband is extremely frugal, but brought him with the following words in the veterinary clinic: “I don’t care what it costs! We have to get here somehow!”

The cat was healthy again. Chilli is very old and sometimes a bit of dried shit hanging in the fur, because he hinkommmt to Clean. We don’t care. As long as he is healthy. Also understand that only a true cat owner!