Cottbus: Boy survives fall from sixth floor

In the state of Brandenburg in Cottbus, a five-year-old lucky had: The Boy survived a fall from the sixth floor of a multi-family house – injured himself in the process, however, is difficult. Rescue workers took him with multiple fractures in hospital, the police announced on Sunday. He fell on the bushes in front of the house. Why it came to the fall on Saturday, are currently under investigation, a spokesman said. The Young have opened in his children’s room has a window. You go from the accident. His family lived at the time in the apartment.

Witzenhausen: Drunken Christmas market threatened visitors with cleaver

In the Hessian town of Witzenhausen has threatened a drunken man visitors to a Christmas market with a cleaver. The 38-Year-old waved on Saturday night, with the hatchet in the Hand, and cried several times “Allahu Akbar” (God is great), such as the police and Prosecutor’s office in Kassel said on Sunday. No one was hurt. Then, the suspects left the Christmas market and rode a bike. Police officers arrested the man shortly afterwards in the pedestrian area of the town. The axe was found in a plant Rondell. The 38-Year-old, behaved to the officials, therefore, highly aggressive and insulting, was taken to the drunk tank and for further police action in custody.

Titisee-Neustadt: of the Mentally Ill, several passers-by

attacked In Titisee-Neustadt has to drop a man on Saturday afternoon, several passers-by. As reported by the police on Sunday, were up against 16 clock, multiple messages about a young man, which is the apparently random and arbitrary passers-by came to. At least five persons were insulted, threatened and spat upon. In addition, he also joined to at least one car. At the time of arrest, he made violent resistance. He stepped in and spat, according to the officials. The 19-Year-old was introduced to a doctor in a psychiatric clinic.

Ingolstadt: man sets fire in the moving ICE

In a ICE from Nürnberg to Munich has prevented a stewardess on Thursday evening, possibly worse. How the Federal police in Munich reported on Sunday, noticed the woman behind Ingolstadt, as a man made in order to create shortly before midnight, on the floor, kneeling next to a jacket. Seconds after the car had been issued a guest again in the direction of his seat, realized the train employee that the jacket of fire had caught. The 23-Year-old was able to smother the flames immediately with the help of a fire extinguisher. Due to the short term resulting Smoke about ten passengers from the arriving from the affected coaches were asked to other seats. The flames might Spread to other parts of the train was fear at no time. The Brand of the jacket a CD-great brand stain was on the carpet floor of the car. The stewardess alerted the Federal police took the 46-year-old, heavily drunken man to the entrance of the train in the Munich train station. The Homeless, who had become in the past weeks, repeated offenders, was brought before a detention judge.


The stewardess was able to the fire quickly

©Federal police Munich Hamburg: Unknown beat two men to the hospital

The police in Hamburg is searching for two unknown perpetrators, who have beaten in the early hours of Saturday morning two men in the city centre to the hospital. One of them is life is in danger. As the officials report, was a 36-Year-old and his 44-year-old companion at about 3.30 PM in the vicinity of the Church St. Michaelis, as two men speaking in a black BMW at a red light a driver in a harassing manner. They asked the occupants to leave, and this went also for the time being. Shortly thereafter, the men stopped, rose and attacked the 36-Year-old who was injured in the face. He was able to escape, but fell and broke his Arm. He alerted the rescue forces, while the two men went to the 44-year-old companion. Then you snap in your car in an unknown direction. Passers-by found the 44-Year-old bleeding on the ground. He was not responsive and was brought by rescuers to a hospital. The first evidence that he suffered, among other things, a life-threatening head injury.The 36-Year-old was also transported to a hospital and treated on an outpatient basis. The police is now looking for witnesses that may have observed the fact or information on the offender, which are described as follows:

Eastern European appearance, about 20 to 30 years altcirca 1.75 m to 1.80 meters tall, athletic figure, short, light-colored hair called the privy corner high Forehead spoke German with a slight Eastern European accent light, “shirt-like” outerwear

The of the offenders referred to the car driver could not be found in the context of the police operation. She went to the previous findings, presumably a white “box-like” Car (similar to VW Caddy).

Duisburg: dead Baby in a Container, police can take mother, and finds the second baby body

About two weeks after the discovery of a baby’s corpse from Duisburg in a used clothing sorting facility in Poland the police have a 35-year-old suspect arrested. As reported by the police, officials found the apartment of the 35-Year-old searched and comprehensive evidence, such as bloody sheets. In addition, the investigators found body another baby. The little girl was tucked in sheets and plastic bags. The woman confessed to the birth of this child. At the request of the public Prosecutor, the competent judge issued on Saturday afternoon, a warrant for manslaughter.

forecasts and Live map, So the weather in Germany is on the weekend of 1. to 2. December

On Thursday informed the police and the Prosecutor’s office about the case. In Poland, from Duisburg root end of the dead Baby had been found. The little girl was at 17. November in sorting of old clothes in Kielce discovered. The police believe that the child between the 31. October 8. November was placed in a Container. Police officers from Duisburg, Germany and Poland, working with high pressure to the investigation of the Case.

man in Berlin-Charlottenburg on the open road

shot by An Unknown shot and killed a 47-Year-old on the open road in Berlin. The alleged perpetrator had then aimed the gun on himself and died in the hospital, said a police spokeswoman on Sunday morning. To compromise his identity, no information.

the fact it’s according to police on Saturday night against 20.40 p.m. on a sidewalk in the bourgeois district of Charlottenburg. The victim succumbed to his injuries on the spot. Photos from the scene of the crime in front of a house entrance, there is a large pool of blood.

“The backgrounds are still completely unclear,” said the police. The victim was Albanian. Now the 7 has. Homicide investigations.


On a sidewalk in Berlin-Charlottenburg in a pool of blood. Previously, was shot and killed a man on the open road, as a spokesman for the police said,

©Julian steels DPA

news of Saturday, 1. December

Bensheim: escapes of wild boar from hunters in pedestrian

In Bensheim, Hessen, got lost on Saturday afternoon, a wild boar in a pedestrian area and there are several passers-by ran into. It is crossed in the centre of Bensheim, first of all, a Parking garage, then ran through the glass door of a school, and eventually ran into a hair salon. Then the animal ran to a residential area, where it got caught between a Garage and a fence and a Forester was killed. The wild boar is likely to have been a hunting flushed and in the city fled, said a spokesman for the police. Several people rushed to the information, during the escape of the animal, no one hurt had been.

Aurich: ten years of calls to police because mother beat him

In Aurich (Ostfriesland) has alarmed a little Boy to the police after his mother was turned against him violent. As the officials report, had pushed the police, well-known mother to her ten-year-old son in the night to Saturday and beaten. The frightened Boy could independently settle the emergency and was handed over to the police in the custody of the youth welfare office. Against the mother of a criminal case was initiated.

Göttingen: man dies after attack in göttingen city centre

In Göttingen, a 28 died-Year-old after an attack. The man had become in the night to Saturday a victim of a violent crime in the city centre, police said. Passers-by found him shortly after midnight and the rescue services alerted. In the hospital he succumbed to his severe injuries. Details of the injuries did not want to be made known to the police for investigation tactical reasons, for the time being. The officials have no clues as to the perpetrator or a possible motive. Still of the night, residents were surveyed and the adjoining land according to the evidence searched.


In the night to Saturday in Göttingen, a 28-Year-old victim of a violent crime in the vicinity of the old Botanical garden.

©Swen Pförtner Berlin: Unknown robbed Bank on Frederick road

In Berlin have attacked on Friday evening three masked offender in the middle of the business, the hustle and bustle on friedrichstraße, a Bank. They came in through a side entrance and threatened the surprised employees with a crowbar and screwdrivers, the police announced on Saturday. With their loot, they fled in a bright car in an unknown direction. No one was hurt. The Masked man had jimmied the afternoon, at 17.00 p.m. a door of the Bank branch, which is located in a corner house. “Most likely, the perpetrators will have to wait until the Bank’s closing time,” said a police spokeswoman. A hot track it was on Saturday. What is the sum of the perpetrators captured, and whether they took other items of value, police said.


A branch of Citibank was attacked on Friday evening by yet unknown perpetrators

©Paul Zinken DPA Weener: Drunk Teenager police. calls to large-scale use of

A drunken Teenager held last night the police in Weener (lower Saxony) in respiratory As the officials report, went up against shortly after 1 p.m. the emergency call. Supposedly there is a bigger fight in the West street. Several strips made the car on the way. But the officers could find no signs of an altercation. Also, residents stated that nothing of the sort had happened. Investigations on the spot led to a 17-Year-old. A glance at his phone confirmed the suspicion that he had chosen with his telephone to the emergency unjustified. Because of the young Votes, under the influence of alcohol, he was handed over to a parent. The police has initiated a criminal case against him, and examines the extent to which the costs can be billed.

Friedrichshafen, Germany: cyclist rams girl and spits in her face

In baden-württemberg, Friedrichshafen, Germany, has spat a cyclist to a girl in the face. As reported by the police, approached the man on the colsman street from the rear of a group of students ran towards the stadium. First of all, he screamed at them, according to the testimony of a 13-Year-olds that they should go to the page. This call, the group had complied with and would have enough space for a drive-through. Nevertheless, the Bicycle driver has rammed first one of the girl’s consciousness slightly, then stopped for a moment and the student spat then specifically in the face. After that, he was gone. The police are now looking for the man. He is about 1.80 meters tall, strong and about 60 years old. He wore a gray Moustache, and was dressed at the time of the offence, among other things, with a red wool hat without POM-POM with white marks around the cap the Federal government. Witnesses at the police station, Friedrichshafen, Tel. To report 07541/701-0,.

forecasts and Live map, So the weather in Germany is on the weekend of 1. to 2. December Freiburg: police are looking for the tenth Suspects after gang rape

After the arrest of a ninth Suspect in the case of the alleged gang rape in Freiburg, the police evaluates more tracks and notes. The after-the-fact in front of around one and a half months-established investigation team, “Club”, with 13 officers remain unchanged, said a spokeswoman for the police in Freiburg, the German press Agency. In addition, specialists of the land office of criminal investigation (LKA) worked in the laboratory on the evaluation of the traces. The aim is to secure the evidence and to determine the as yet unknown tenth alleged perpetrators.

in mid-October had been raped, according to investigators, an 18-Year-old in Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg) after a disco visit of at least ten men. Eight Suspects were detained in the days after the fact – seven Syrians, at the age of 19 to 29 years of age and a 25 year old German with no migration background. Last Thursday, the arrest of an 18-year-old man from Syria followed. All nine men are sitting in detention.

According to a further, unknown man, the investigators search. Body traces of him waren of the victim’s clothing had been found. The balance with Europe-wide databases, in the Suspect could be, have so far brought no result, said the spokeswoman. The police have been working to make the Unknown.

news of Friday, 30. November

Bielefeld: Overtired Truck driver sleeps in the strip a

In Bielefeld, car police officers have withdrawn already last Monday, a completely sleep-deprived Truck drivers off the road. The 50-Year-old was noticed by the officials, because its not using a safety belt, and on several occasions had not flashed. Curiously enough, In the subsequent recording of the man fell asleep in the patrol car, as it is said in the press release published today.

Accordingly, the Turkish driver was already in the control of a very tired impression on the officials that found in the interior of the drivers cabin a fraction of a Palette with energy drinks. Probably due to this discovery, the police officers looked at each other, in consequence of the tachograph in more detail. The result: The man was able to demonstrate over several weeks, no driving and rest times, in addition, the officials noted a more than 16-hour working day. In the subsequent Offence the man was sleeping, although the officials were with him in the patrol car prior to exhaustion.

Due to the violations, a fine of up to 6500 euros, threatening the man the police writes. For the company it should be with a possible fine of up to 19,500 Euro is still significantly more expensive.

Erding: car crashes into bus stop and captured the grandfather of velvet niece

In the upper Bavarian town of Erding is a car in a bus stop, just raced. In the accident on Thursday evening, the car hit a 16-year-old student and whose 72-year-old grandfather who were waiting there, sitting on a bench on a Bus, the police announced on Friday.

The student suffered very severe injuries to the legs and came with a rescue helicopter to the hospital, her grandfather suffered injuries at the ankle joint and face.

The 24-year-old car driver and as a passenger is travelling with 57-year-old father suffered minor injuries. Cause of the accident was a seizure of the driver who lost control of the car. Whether the man suffered from earlier seizures is still unclear.

Hagen: ten year old sells mobile phone thief with the front of the leg

Kick With a Kick in front of the leg, a ten year old in the North Rhine-Westphalia, Hagen chased one of the adults cell phone robber on the run. The 30 to 50-year-old man had asked the boy in a Tunnel to a S-Bahn station to the time of day, the police announced. As the ten year old wanted to read off of his phone, the time, the grip of the Unknown to the phone.

The Boy responded immediately and joined the offender decided not to directly against the leg. The man was then of his victims and asked about to call the police. After the prevented robbers, the police is now looking for.

Berlin: man the producer lights up at a gas station in Moabit

As reported by the police, it came in last night in Berlin-Moabit to a confrontation with a 46-year-old man who tried to light the wick at a gas station. This has made his debut to a later hour with a lighter and lighter fuel on the petrol station site around.

The man should be advised with an Unknown, in dispute, before he was charged according to information of the police of the employees of the gas station and give him the lighter came out of his Hand. As a result, the 46 escaped-Year-old initially, but was later taken from alarmed officials because of attempted serious arson.

The man was after blood collection, the investigators of the fire Commissioner’s office passed. Why the offender zündelte, is still unclear.

upper Palatinate: at Least 100 accidents due to black ice

the ice on Friday morning in the upper Palatinate to at least 100 accidents. The number was increasing by the minute, said a police spokesman. The officials were in the large-scale operation. Several people had been injured. Especially the cities of Tirschenreuth and Eschenbach in the upper Palatinate were affected. The inner cities had been closed to traffic. Basic to the slope, and cobblestones.

On the Morning of the German weather service (DWD) warned of dangerous road smoothness in Eastern Bavaria. During the day, the weather should shift further in the direction of the East. There was also to be expected in a region with smooth roads, the DWD.

Mülheim an der Ruhr: a man bearing fire in bath

A man from the Ruhr area has burned for Heating in his bathtub, a camp fire, and had placed almost his apartment in ruins. The emergency call to the alleged roof fire in Mülheim an der Ruhr, had been received in the night of Friday, informed the fire brigade. As the forces arrived, rose smoke out of the window of the apartment. Four people were rescued from the building and with suspected smoke poisoning investigated. However, they were unharmed.

The rescue workers put out the burning wood in the tub quickly as the origin of Evil. Much of the time would not have had the fire brigade people also: The bath tub standing on a wooden floor that had to be taken down the gluten damage. “Were here was the fire discovered too late, had he accessed probably over the whole apartment,” said the fireman. Why the man had held? He had to want it in his apartment warmer, – stated in the message.

Karlovy vary: calling for the murder of the dog – police are investigating suspects

Because he repeatedly by a barking dog felt in his night’s sleep disturbed, and called a man in the state of Baden-Württemberg by the flight sheet to the killing of the animal. Two months after the distribution of the pieces of paper in Karlsbad near Karlsruhe, the police have identified him now, obviously. As strongly suspect, a 48-Year-old. Older letters of complaint to have him transferred.

In the beginning of October and distributed leaflets of the man for the killing of the dog had put a reward of 1000 euros and a Bystander, as the author called. A criminal case for slander and for public incitement to an Offense expected now.

The police, after the mentioned by name the alleged author had been reimbursed for defamation display. The officials checked in recent weeks, some two dozen leaflets in post boxes, on vehicles and on the street had been found. When compared with the previous appeal letter from the 48-Year-old, you discovered the content and formal Styscenes. Confronted with it, have given to the man finally, the leaflets written and distributed, according to police.

forecast and Live map, So the weather in Germany is on Friday, the 30. November

Here is the current weather forecast for Germany on Friday, 30. November. In addition, a Live map of how the weather will develop in your home in real time.

news of Thursday, 29. November

Cologne: the family is a police officer, the death news

family members to deliver a death message, is probably one of the most unpleasant tasks, the police, and to have to do. In Cologne, experienced officials in this context, however, a Situation you were not so. Accordingly, the police officer should be met with a family about the suicide of her son in a youth prison, what they did. Subsequently, however, the mother and the father of the dead were found on the officials were forced to call for reinforcements. A 19-year-old brother of the deceased had to be taken into custody to prevent further attacks.

The Situation had calmed down a little this first, as you wanted to leave the house but that flared up the aggression again. Only after the Arrival of riot police calm returned. Now being investigated for resistance against the three members of the family.

you have suicidal thoughts? Help the phone offers pastoral care. It is anonymous, free-of-charge and round-the-clock 0 800 / 111 0 111 and 0 800 / 111 0 222 accessible. A consultation via E-Mail. A list of Federal-aid stations can be found on the page of the German society for suicide prevention.

For children and young people, the number against sorrow from Monday to Saturday from 14 to 20 hours – the number of 116 11.

Frankfurt: woman jumps naked from a car and running screaming on the highway

first Of all: As if by a miracle the woman, nothing happened, just so little other traffic were injured participant. The sight must have been for the randomly passing police officers still a little scary. During full travel, a woman wanted to get out of the car to their friends, whereupon the driver responded quickly to the stripes went. The 23-Year-old then got out of the car, undressed and ran screaming on the highway.

The approaching road users recognized the risk early on and were able to according to Dodge, which no one was hurt. Among them is also a fully-occupied, rescue was in the car, the unexpected came to be used. Together with the police officers, the task forces have led the young woman from the roadway, where Vegabet they fought back violently. She was brought to the psychiatric Department of a hospital.

Chemnitz: RAID in a women’s prison after terror note

According to a note on a possible stop at Christmas markets in Dresden and Chemnitz has been a bust in Chemnitz women’s prison. “There are several cells were searched,” said a spokesman for the Dresden Prosecutor on Thursday on request. Evidence of such plans has not been found. Previously, the “Free press” and the “image report” in Chemnitz. According to the authorities, the RAID took place on Monday.

According to the Prosecutor General’s office, there has been a “vague indication” of a prisoner that two fellow prisoners talked about attacks on the two Christmas markets. One of the women had also contact to the outside. “We have taken the note, especially after the experience of the last few years, however, very seriously,” said senior public Prosecutor Wolfgang Klein.

According to the Newspapers, it is one of the women, a 36-year-old Syrian girl who is suspected of supporting the terrorist group Islamic state (IS) and Junior for you to attract.

Witten: Drunk stabs have taken your husband

In North Rhine-Westphalia, Witten police, a 43-year-old woman, who is suspected of, to have your husband on Tuesday night with a knife stabbed to death. After the fact, the heavily intoxicated woman informed independent rescuers and police, they had no resistance to arrest. The investigation, including a motive for the crime, to take.

Uelzen: car driver overturns in Parking attempt

The police themselves wrote of a “spectacular” traffic accident, you had to do it on Wednesday morning. Accordingly, the roll of a 67 – year-old woman with her car as she tried to Park. Evidence so far suggests that the woman touched in the context of the Parking maneuver, first a parked Car. Then she dodged to the left and went into the oncoming lane. There you slating the steering Wheel to the right, collided with a plant protection hanger and the tree, before it remained lying overturned on the roof.

in addition to the 67-Year-old was also injured, the passenger easily, they both came to in a hospital. According to police, a loss of about 30,000 euros.


The police estimated the damage at around 30,000 Euro

©police inspection of Lüneburg, Dortmund: a sheep and a bird with a fire extinguisher of the animals die

sprayed with A sheep and a bird have been sprayed in a leisure Park with a fire extinguisher and killed. According to police, a gunman came in the night to Thursday in the so-called Big Tipi, took four fire extinguishers and tortured the animals, which were later found dead. The police took over the investigation and asked for instructions.

Miltenberg: Two Dead in apartment fire

A 59-year-old woman and a 55-year-old man died in a fire in a multi-family house in Miltenberg, in Bavaria, died. The fire was shortly after midnight, broke out of so far unknown cause in the apartment, police said. The two occupants were recovered only dead. The fire was extinguished in the night.

forecast and Live map, So the weather in Germany is on Thursday, the 29. November

Here are the current weather forecasts for Germany on Thursday, 29. November. In addition, a Live map of how the weather will develop in your home in real time.

news of Wednesday, 28. November

Mainz: taxi drivers blocked the ambulance in case of emergency, use

Because he has blocked the urgent use of an ambulance, you have to expect a Mainz taxi driver with a criminal complaint for coercion. As the police said, had treated one Person in Mainz with acute myocardial infarction by rescue workers and an ambulance, and to the extent that the rodbe re-sterilized, that he could be brought to the emergency room. At the exit from a car Park, the rescue had to be ranked the car a little. Exactly in this Moment, a driver parked his Taxi behind the ambulance and let his passenger disembark. In spite of the request of the rescue forces of the ASB and the indication of the emergency, he had not hold. Without great haste, he took his handicapped passenger who unloaded the Walker from the trunk, made him ready to drive, and drove away finally. “Throughout the approximately five-to-eight-minute action by the driver of the taxi ignorant to have smiled”, – stated in the police report. To the Patient in the hospital fully treated and could be passed precious time. The vehicle license plate number of the taxi is the Mainz police. Against the 40 – to 45-year-old driver is now under investigation for coercion, failure to provide assistance and serious bodily injury by omission.

Nettersheim: man of private tractor

overwhelmed In the North Rhine-Westphalian nice home for a man of his own tractor had been run over. As reported by the police, the 77-Year-old in a book inventory and felled trees. It also made the at the rear of the tractor mounted winch. In the steep slope, the tractor was then, apparently independently, and swept over the pensioners. An ambulance brought the injured man into a hospital.

Flensburg: man transported the car on a trailer

The Federal police in Flensburg has stopped on Wednesday morning at 10.30 a.m. a motorist who was on the A7 with an unusual cargo on the road. On a trailer the Mercedes had strapped the car driver a small. The officials controlled forestry the man on the highway Parking lot, hand Witter, and found that he had exceeded his charge, the total weight of the trailer to the half. The journey with the Team was prohibited. The Polish driver had to leave the trailer. It is an administrative offense now awaits proceedings.


On the trailer the man had loaded a small car

©Federal police Flensburg bull Hausen: dog is captured by a car and survived a day in the grille

The miniature Schnauzer “Tero”, a 13-year-old dog, was on Tuesday morning on the streets in his home bull Hausen on the road when he was hit by a car. As the police reported, was the driver of the accident Car was on the way to work in Hamburg noticed a blow on the car. As you suspected in an accident, that turned you could see in the darkness but nothing and drove on. At about the same time a 40-year-old bull Hausen reported their dog as missing, suspected in a car accident.

The Commuter noticed, however, then in the evening a soft Whimper to her car and discovered the little four-legged friend, the stuck all day in the grille of the Car. The fire brigade freed the animal – such as a miracle unharmed. According to officials, he was about his “predicament” a little pleased and tried to bite the helper of the fire Department.

The evening had the worried owner and the small “Tero”. Curious: you had expressed to the officials already in the guess, the small dog could get stuck in the front end of a car.


predicament: dwarf dog “Tero” was not amused at the Release by officials about his Situation – and tried to bite his rescuers.

©Polizeiinspektion Harburg Hamburg: a man holds the afterglow for a fire and calls the fire brigade

In Hamburg has given a colourful sunset, a resident of a decent fright, and him immediately to the emergency call at the fire Department moved. The man suspected in the Tuesday evening behind the fiery bright clouds in a roof fire, a fire Department spokesman announced on Wednesday. In the emergency call centre was able to calm him down quickly. It always come back to time that people confuse the evening sun with a fire and the emergency workers alert, informed the spokesman.

The spectacle of nature, however, had been nothing Unusual, a meteorologist of the German weather service. Since the sun’s rays in the evening of a particularly long way, is the light in comparison to the day overall reddish. In combination with the low clouds, the devotion the particular strong colouring. Because the weather conditions changed now, in the next few days, no more to be expected of such sunsets.

Rostock: Missing student

is back in since Monday afternoon, missing student back to her parents. As the police reported, had hidden the ten-year-old in a basement. An investigator of the Criminal police headquarters was able to find the runaway well in the composer district. Evidence of a criminal Offence in connection with the Disappearance of the girl.

news from Tuesday, 27. November

Lorsch: thieves in the chocolate-to-noise

thieves have stolen more than 13.000 chocolate bars from a truck on highway 67 in Lorsch (Hesse). After the truck driver parked his tractor-trailer on Sunday evening on a grid system and in his cab to sleep had to hit the robbers, the police announced in Darmstadt, Germany.

The next Morning, he discovered that four pallets with a total of around 13,400 bars of chocolate were missing. The police are now looking for possible witnesses who observed the theft of the sweet cargo.

Trier: man should Ex-girlfriend intentionally with car

his car is supposed to have been committed by a man, in Rhineland-Palatinate, a murder attempt on his Ex-girlfriend. The 46-year-old man at 15. November his 43-year-old former partner in the locality Tabs-Rodt intent with the car and seriously injured have to drive, such as the office of the public Prosecutor in Trier announced. Against the investigation of detained man is now being investigated on suspicion of attempted murder and dangerous bodily injury.

The woman was found by a passer-by seriously injured. She could remember because of their injuries, nothing more, which is why the police went out first from a fall. After the Doctors are not presented due to a fall to explain the injuries on the police investigation and discovered the Ex-boyfriend.

This is to have the wife frontal. The car should he have steered later in the Saar. As the investigators reported, denies the man the Alleged crimes.

Calw: cat saves family believed to be the life

A loud meow cat has a family in a house fire in Calw in Bads-Württemberg saved probably the life. A forgotten candle kindled in the night to Monday a nonwoven fabric-covered table and caused extreme smoke development, the police announced in Karlsruhe.

One in the attic bedroom at the end of the mother of two children aged between four and eleven years and woke up because the cat jumped unusually loud meowing and walking around. Only because the 35-Year-old a burning smell, took it was, and saw that the entire staircase was already full of smoke. The alerted fire brigade to save the family and extinguish the fire. It is only small damage was done.

Soest: a woman appears to be wired to the driver’s license test

In North Rhine-Westphalia, Soest, appeared a woman to the theoretical driving test and was fitted for striking. As the police reported on Tuesday, noticed a TÜV employee, before the examination, that the 29-was wired from Arnsberg””. The alerted police took the woman struck by the very wide clothes, from the check out. An officer found under her wide shirt, a camera. This was made in the shirt and led via a cable to a transmitter, the your was attached with adhesive tape to lower leg. On the other leg, she wore a mobile phone, which was coupled via a Bluetooth connection with a push of a button in your ear. Unfortunately, the police were able to make a “prompter” or not a “prompter”. The Arnsbergerin did not provide information concerning the incident.


For a driving test the lady was amazingly equipped

©district police authority Soest Jena: police evacuated a net-of-market

In Jena, Thuringia, Germany, has evacuated the police on Monday in a net market. As reported by the police, had several customers against 17 o’clock on sudden onset of malaise, Nausea and vomiting complaints. Firefighters and rescue workers tended to the injured. An exact cause has not yet been established. The fire Department was able to account for, when testing an error message to the air conditioning. Whether this is the reason for the incident has yet to be tested. The market remains closed. The health Department checks, whether any food was contaminated with the unknown substance. So far, a total of eight people were treated medically, stationary no one had to be included.

Fürth: Many injured in fire in school

In case of a fire in a school in the Franconian town of Fürth on Tuesday, many people were injured. “There were a lot of injured students,” said a police spokesman. “Many had to be brought due to smoke poisoning in the hospital.” In the Morning outbreak of fire was deleted in the meantime. It is very created a lot of smoke, so the whole building had to be vacated. The exact number of casualties and the cause of the fire was initially unclear. The flames broke out in a toilet in the first floor of the container building. In the alternate accommodation professional and elementary school students would be informed.

Rostock: police are looking for missing student

The police in Rostock is looking for a ten-year-old girl. Leonie from Rostock since Monday, the 26. November, missing. She left at 14 at the parents ‘ apartment to meet up with a friend in the Rostock city centre. Against 15 clock, you should say goodbye to this and in a tram at the gate to be increased, in order to drive home. There they came, however. The student is to 1.53 meters tall, has blonde long hair and is slim. She last seen wearing a black jacket, black Jeans and a gray scarf. She had a pink backpack. According to the police, the ten year old looks at least two years older. Notes takes the police Rostock at the phone number 0381 4916-1616 or any other police Department.

Malsch: fire in the Swingers club – eleven-injured

In case of a fire in a Swingers club in an industrial area in Malsch (Kreis Karlsruhe) were injured on Monday eleven people. As the police reported on Tuesday morning, broke out the fire around 10 o’clock in the sauna area on the upper floor of the house. The fire quickly spread to the roof. The rescue forces had to gain by cutting access to the roof skin to fight the fire. The smoke cloud was so large that the surrounding companies sent their employees home. Residents were asked to keep Windows and doors closed and remain in the building. A total of eleven employees of several of the surrounding companies were treated according to the fire Department with suspected smoke inhalation. Why the fire broke out, it is so far unclear.

news of Monday, 26. November

Dresden: one-Year-Young car rolled over and fatally

injured In a tragic road accident in Dresden, a one year old Boy lost his life. A 67-year-old motorist recognized the toddler as he drove on Sunday with his car backing out of his property, the police announced.

The little Boy was injured so severely that he died at the scene of the accident. Between the man and the child reported no family ties. The police took up the investigation of the accident.

Cologne: a Notorious bread thief is now in custody

Three times a 44 has attacked-Year-old in a bakery in Cologne Central station without payment. For this he now sits up to the beginning of the court proceedings in pre-trial detention. A saleswoman had called the officials, because the man had stolen twice in her First rolls and drinks and about ten minutes later a coke. As the 44-came Years later, in the bakery, was able to take the Federal police on to him. It turned out that the man had been in the morning, due to theft in the same bakery picked up. The bread thief was “no stranger,” said the Federal police: He had previously stolen in Hamburg and Kassel.

Brunswick: mother in front of children shot by father denies killing intent

In the bitter dispute for custody of a 38 is supposed to have shot-Year-old his Ex-partner in front of the eyes of the children – now he must answer before the regional court of Braunschweig because of the murder. The process kick-off on Monday, he denied the fact at the end of may is planned. “I didn’t think that I’ll kill you or anything. My hope was that it would give custody to both of us,” said the 38-Year-old. Prior to the fatal shot, the victim had custody of their four children.

The Kosovo-born man from the münsterland region, is to be driven to Salzgitter and his Ex-partner in front of the eyes of the four small children killed. The 30-Year-old died in front of the residence of their parents. Her sister, who Protect themselves according to the prosecution, the by the way, suffered a shot in the hip.

donauwörth, Germany: a Truck driver to prevent road blockade spirit driver accident

With a road blockade to prevent two load drivers in Swabia, a possible Ghost-driver-accident. A 73-Year-old was on Monday morning at Donauwörth in the wrong direction on the motorway-similar Federal road 2 hazards. While the wrong driver was about seven kilometers in the direction of Augsburg on the road, blocked after a radio warning on some distance two Truck drivers on the road, not other motorists to the Elderly woman, contrary to controlled.

informed the police, the 73-Year-old, as you saw on the other side of the guard rail, a Patrol car with blue light. When the officers interviewed the woman, was the driver in a confused impression. So as not to happen again such an error, she explained to the police, she would now have to renounce on your driver’s license.

food: group rape – Up to six years and three months in prison

After a series of group rapes of pupils in the Ruhr region, has condemned the district court of Essen, five young men. They got on Monday, youth and prison sentences between three years and nine months and six years and three months. The defendants have lured according to the verdict, between 2016 and 2018, students under a pretext in a car, and then to secluded locations and raped. Some of the six victims were at the time only 16 years old. In the judgment of the Essen regional court, the speech was of the “abominable acts”.
sources: police, press,

news from Germany the week of January 19. up to the age of 25. November you can find here:

news from Germany, the 21-Year-old woman’s body to be transported in the trunk – he flew, because he was driving snake lines

Bamberg: woman’s body in the trunk discovered +++ Ulm: Lost Teeth of thief +++ A14 at Grimsby: man convicted thrown in case of an accident from Auto, and multiple + overrun++ Halberstadt: firecracker explodes in Hand – man loses several fingers +++ news from Germany.


fs/jek/mod/wlk/sve / DPA / AFP