It is a nice offer, especially for families: Walter dough, when classed by Poschinger, you can beat Christmas trees themselves.

Eurasburg– If in these days the fog is Well-Walter dough thins, glitter Nordmann fir trees in all shapes and sizes in the sunshine. Classed by Poschinger sold them for 40 years as Christmas trees and offers its clients to choose the fir itself and to cases. This offer to take families with children and the annual Christmas tree buying a real Christmas experience.

After the exceptionally hot and dry summer, many people fear the usual quality of the Christmas trees and higher prices. Von poschinger calms: “The time for planting the young trees we have chosen, fortunately, very well.” Therefore, its young Northern man had fir trees with a growth rate of 70 percent despite drought well. “The prices over last year are still with us.” Follow severe was damage in 2010, the hail, is still felt today. “The young trees, has been destroyed, now have a nice size.” A North man fir should at least grow about 15 years to reach the height of the ceiling.

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In the beginnings of the Christmas Modabet tree sale is dangers of Mr. Hauser with his customers in the surrounding forests, to Christmas trees to choose. A hard-to-farming area on the hillside brought him to the idea of a culture. The Grass to hold back the growing between the fir trees and, above all, the young trees, has kept the Gutsfamilie many years as a sheep. A pleasant side effect of his management is that at the end of the year no of felled tree is left as it stands in conventional selling is often the case. In addition, the buyer can be sure that the tree was not treated chemically and under environmentally friendly conditions and is grown. For every felled tree will be planted in the following spring a new. The result is a culture of different trees, contrasts with the purely visual of the typical Christmas tree plantations where the trees are in rows and ranks are planted.

Von poschinger is happy in the run-up to Christmas often on familiar faces among the visitors to the idyllic estate. “Some are already here decades ago with their parents, to a Christmas tree to pick, and to continue this Tradition with their own children.” This Fidelity, he very much appreciates. After choosing a Christmas tree, he invites you to goulash soup and mulled wine. In the process, it is important to him, that the extensive alterations to the manor house have just been completed and, in the future, premises are available, which radiate a comfortable atmosphere, but still modern. Can see this for themselves Christmas tree buyer since last Saturday. Leonora Mitreuter