Vox throws a series abruptly out of the program. For Fans of the absolutely worst time, because the final was imminent.

Vox throws out the “Imposters” from the program – just ahead of the season-the end

Update from 10. December 2018: And, again, responds to a channel from the RTL group on a quota deep: Vox accuses the series of “Imposters” from the program. The dwdl.de reported. A descent of the spectators had gone. The last double episode on Thursday at 23.10 hrs was only 1.7 and 2.1 per cent market share in the relevant target group – advertising for Vox was a Disaster.

Therefore, the transmitter pulls the ripcord. And for Fans of really very bad time: two episodes before the end of the current season!

It is the second season of “Imposters”, a crook-series cheater Maddie (played by Inbar Lavi). The first season ran in Prime time, the series was relegated to the night program, where they will now run to the end. According to the report, the series has anyway no future: Even the U.S. channel Bravo the series set after the second season due to bad odds.

Famous series of flies from RTL-program – cult show is coming back

Update from the 12. October 2018: due to another shipment RTL ended up currently in the headlines. The transmitter is in a news broadcast of an embarrassing glitch, the presenter noticed nothing.

in Our original article: RTL raises crime series from the program

Cologne – On the one hand, it is a farewell, on the other, also a great Comeback, many Fans are likely to rejoice: After RTL raises a well-known detective series in Prime time from the program, returns a other after many years at the saves station RTLplus to the screens.

see also: Bizarre, RTL-Show: Schönberger and Gottschalk in a unique Pose – Laura Wontorra lewd joke

Famous crime series is a night program

For all “bones”Fans, it is a bitter disappointment: How glinner reported, the crime series after a few Changes in the RTL from now on, into the night program. Already at 22.15 broadcast, you need to use the Fans in the future on one or the other of coffee. Only around 0.35 at the various cases of “Bones can be traced” from next week. It will replace the series with reruns of “The teacher”, the cut despite the low odds are still better than the episodes of “bones”.

also read: “It is time. So all of a sudden.“ BBC presenter passed two days before her death

This returns series is likely to

return A different series celebrates a great Comeback: Further information from the fields, according to the cult series returns “Double” – to see the consequences in the future are the saving channel RTLplus.

It’s woman power was pure in the 1990s: The Commissioners Sabrina Nikolaidou Bahis Siteleri and Eva Lorenz fought in a total of 13 seasons as a strong women’s Team together against crime in Hamburg. “Doppelter Einsatz”, as the series is called, was for many years broadcast of RTL until it was in 2007, and finally to an end and was set.

With the consequences, which will be aired on RTLplus again, but only repetitions. This means the old faces and the well-known cases: From 27. September, the actors are to see Despina Pajanou, and Sylvia Haider again on television, as criminals offer on the Hamburg “Kiez”, the forehead.

will be shown Every Thursday at 20.15 at the consequences of the fourth season, which were different than the previous episodes filmed for the first time in the length of the film.

ZDF is run recently would be a gross mistake. The station showed on one of his channels a Film that may not be shown under any circumstances.
