World’s research of thousands of scientists on new methods for early cancer detection. Now there seems to be a simple and quick Test.

a cancer diagnosis, are yet elaborate studies will be necessary. For this reason, Betpark researchers worldwide are working on easier ways to detect cancer cells. A new Test promises to be a remedy and early detection in only ten minutes.

quick test cancer in only ten minutes

The quick test, the three scientists, Dr. Abu Sina, Dr. Laura Carrascosa, and Professor Matt Trau the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, have developed. In their research they have discovered that all types of cancer do seem to have a common DNA nano-structure . Specifically, you have this structure in breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and lymph demonstrated glandular cancer.

The Test makes use of the fact that the structure of DNA is altered by the cancer. As this remains on a particular surface. This Gold among other things. The scientists gave a solution to some of the Gold nano particles . This will turn this red. The solution comes with a cancer-typical DNA pattern in contact, the color changes to Blue. The whole process should only take ten minutes, and only small amounts of blood serum or other tissue samples need.

also read: cancer – Interpret the warning signs correctly.

90 percent success rate for a quick test

According to the researchers, the Test has to work in over 90 percent of the cases correctly. Tested 200 samples of normal and cancer diseased DNA . The scientists hope that the Test in portable devices such as Smartphones comes as a diagnostic tool.

“We certainly do not know, whether it is the Holy Grail for all cancer diagnoses , but it looks really interesting as an incredibly simple universal Marker for cancer and as an accessible and cost-effective technology that requires no complicated, laboratory-based devices for DNA sequencing,” said Professor Trau in a press release by the University of Queensland. The exact function of the Tests, the researchers explain in an article in the journal “Nature Communications”.

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