A group of friends want to find out which day of the week is, but everyone says something different. Which statement is correct – you come up with that?

What day is today? Actually a funny question, especially when each of the seven friends says something else. However, only one statement is correct – you have guess what?

The solution of the Week-riddle

Seven friends discuss at dinner, what day of the week was. Everyone has a different opinion – but only one is correct. Could you solve the mystery?

The riddle was:

Karin says: “Today is Tuesday.”

Lara said: “not no, certainly not. Tomorrow is Tuesday.”

Benno is sure: “you guys are both wrong. Yesterday was Tuesday.”

Markus believes: “no, not at all, yesterday was Saturday!”

Paul explained: “Today, Thursday, or Friday either.”

Julia replies: “That’s what I think. Today is Sunday.”

Sarah, however, is not convinced: “no, today is Sunday.”

The solution Cepbahis must be: Saturday .

Not because the friends no longer seem to have celebrated so much that you know what day it is. But: Only for the Saturday, a statement is true only, what was the prerequisite. And this is Sarah’s Thesis was: “no, today is not Sunday.” For all the other named days, two statements are correct.

Have you counted correctly? Then congratulations!

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