65 is actually announced retirement. Also in the case of Evangelical pastors. But Christian turning Bourg is a Spiritual Conviction. That’s why he was in summer, religion teacher at the vocational school in Miesbach.

Miesbach – In the summer it was actually over. With 65 years of pastor Christian Wende Bourg should give up his Protestant parish in Unterschleissheim (Munich district) and retire. However, the spiritual is not wanted. “I have no desire for peace”, was a turning Bourg, his superiors know, and asked specifically: “Have you not something New for me?” Yes, there was something: a religion teacher at the vocational school Miesbach.

What may seem like a discharge lounge is an important and responsible task, stresses the turning Bourg: “The vocational school is the last opportunity that these young people can get to know a binding framework,” he says. It, in addition to heart education to the Community about the different types of professions.

20 classes he taught, each has one hour per week. “It is a great challenge to memorize a 400-student’s name,” he admits, laughing. But he has learned, in the shortest amount of time. It is not the only challenge. Because generally religious education is often viewed as a relaxed in addition to skilled the profession to move to make students to cooperate, is not just a matter of course. Turning Bourg succeeds nonetheless. He binds even the Muslims with. “We need the questions of the Muslims and all the atheists so that we can discuss at the height of our time,” says Wende Bourg. His teaching he understands as an offer, as an invitation for conversation and engagement with the world as it is.

That his Church gives to the confidence to be with people that are two generations younger than he, and the priest is grateful. “I want to inspire the youth for Religion,” he says. And he himself is amazed, somehow, that always manages to find despite the age difference, a common language.

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That he has something to say, is now alone, his curriculum vitae. Turning Bourg comes from a family of Pastors. “We make the business continuously for 250 Pinbahis years,” he says with a Smile. And the end is not in sight, because the two sons of a beat this way. As a pastor in Fürstenfeldbruck, the other as vicar, quasi-priest apprentice. His wife, with the four-time father of a family for 34 years, is married, is a religion teacher.

For Christian turning Bourg is the job of a pastor is incredibly beautiful: “There is hardly a more free profession. It has a 6.5-day week, but working independently.“ He was a “staunch institution representatives”. Because the Church before give the framework for life. “You are, to be able to Express themselves freely.”

Actually turning Bourg comes from Göttingen, however, he grew up as a child of six years in Munich. After graduating from high school in Hannover, he returned in the capital of Bavaria, and began there, with 23 years as a vicar.

In Munich he still lives today. For many years he led the Church in Solln (Munich district), before he went at the age of 59 years with his wife in the Congo, where he led his Church in a small University. The children had placed a new Job so that he would not be too comfortable.

“it was an exciting experience,” says Wende Bourg in retrospect. “You can build in one of the least organized countries in the world, a structure of trust, although everyone must fight in this society to Survive?” You can, he noted. “However, we were referred to three years and three months out of the country, because we have made the government to realize that donations to the University belong to the University.” Back in Munich, he took over the management of the Galilee Church in Unterschleißheim.

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parish, education and scientific theology – these are the three pillars turning Bourg to guide his professional life. And you confront him again and again with the Central questions of life. The Catholic family plant in Pullach asked him a few years ago, to develop scientific tools for the then newly in the curriculum included the Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. “The world is growing together, Yes. Since it is close, also to deal with the re-birth of religions.“ This is also an exciting area. While Christianity and Islam are religions of the word, Hinduism and Buddhism, mystical religions of the silence. So religions that deny the conversation. “For our Religion is a precursor to your. This has me interested.“

The question “do You Believe in God?” sees the turn of Bourg even today, as Central to, especially since the Western world will raise the awareness of Islam. “Crucial in the life of the invisible things are. Friendship, love, trust, without which no full life, it is conceivable,“ he says of his students. It does not need God as a higher authority, because the man is always to be trustworthy. “This anchor needs to be bigger than we are. As we come closer to the meaning of life a little.“