invest large cities increased in speed camera installations. This pays off, the revenue in the millions. From the horrors of the speed cameras also as desired?

Berlin – Many of Germany’s largest cities to equip with speed cameras. The municipalities of the millions in revenue it brings, as a survey of the German press Agency, among the ten largest German cities.

Hamburg takes almost 19 Casino Siteleri million euros, by Blitzer a

The second-largest German city of Hamburg, for example, has this year in six new stationary speed and red light monitoring systems. At 40 locations will now be flashed permanently, another device is added to the end of the year. the This is worthwhile financially: Almost 18.9 million euros have been invested by the end of November the Fund, which are about three million euros more than in 2017.

“in the Meantime, the revenue from fixed speed cameras have become a lucrative business for the Senate”, – stated in a written request of the CDU deputies Dennis Thering of the citizenship from the past year. “ Us it’s not a matter of people rake in “, emphasizes spokesman Frank Reschreiter. “But who’s driving too fast, endangering themselves and the other.”

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Less racers in Stuttgart thanks to more speed cameras

In Stuttgart, will also be flashed often, over eleven million Euro has taken the city last year, according to its own information. the 34 stationary speed cameras and six vehicles are in use . But many motorists seem to learn their lesson. As measurements show, the hohenheimer Straße, one of the main arteries into the city centre, a good four percent to drive fast. To be the beginning of the measurements, it has been more than seven percent, says the city.

“It is the rule of thumb is: The more frequently a certain measuring point is approached, the higher the awareness is, and will decrease even more the number of driven speeds ,” says Markus calf from the road transport office in Frankfurt am Main. Stationary speed cameras are, therefore, particularly effective. You have earned the city alone until the end of October four million euros. And: In some Places in the city, the number of speed violations by 90 percent went back.

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Cologne reveals locations of mobile speed cameras

Cologne therefore strives, according to its own information, the locations of the mobile speed cameras as possible. “Wherever there is mobile speed cameras are used, they are clearly visible alone through this presence, many drivers be alert and drive slower,” says city spokesman Lars herring. The locations of the speed cameras will be published each week on the website of the city.

Also, Cologne has continued to upgrade: be a part of Cologne 39 stationary speed cameras, seven radar cars, two flash tons and ten semistationäre plants are the trailers parked on the roadside.

Eleven new speed camera locations in Berlin

In Berlin will also be flashed more often: this year, the city of speed cameras has been installed at eleven new locations that are available around the clock. the Around 1.4 million euros, Berlin has the cost , but the investment is likely to be worthwhile.

Dortmund strengthened its radar controls. Currently, six inpatient facilities and five measuring vehicles are used, in the next year can be flashed at 18 locations at the same time.

Düsseldorf is testing new flash systems

New semistationären systems. Frankfurt am Main has purchased this year, such a pendant, Düsseldorf is testing him right now. “The city Council believes that such Blitzer-trailer is suitable to the gap between the so-called star boxes , and ultimately, only point Monitoring in exchange to close locations,” says Volker Paulat from the Ordnungsamt Düsseldorf. The new trailer, the city has collected last year, 7.4 million Euro through the Flashing.

Munich the city operates a stationary speed cameras, in addition, the police according to the information of a speaker of eight stationary Red-light speed camera, five stationary speed cameras, as well as three stationary plants, where a combination of both. In addition, mobile speed cameras are in use.

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