SMART ONE. This last weekend of July will again drain a lot of people on the roads. Traffic will already be very complicated on Friday, especially on the main axes of western France. The difficulties will extend to the whole country on Saturday, and this from the early hours of the morning.
[Updated July 27 at 3:32 p.m.] If the great crossover of summer is scheduled for next week – with a black Saturday, August 5 – a lot of holidaymakers are ready to hit the roads for this last weekend of July. Friday, red in the western part of the country in the direction of departures (orange for the east), will be marked by very many traffic jams on the north-south axes of the country from midday. The difficulties will be multiplied the next day, with the first slowdowns expected during the night according to Bison Futé.
Many motorists will set off Friday from noon in the hope of getting ahead of traffic jams and office exits. It is therefore advisable to leave or cross Ile-de-France before lunchtime. The first difficulties on the A10, at Orleans towards Bordeaux, will appear at the end of the morning (11 a.m.). Depending on the flow of travellers, traffic on the A63, between Bordeaux and Bayonne, will be particularly dense from 4 p.m. until late in the evening. Same thing on the A7 between Lyon and Marseille where holidaymakers wishing to reach the Côte d’Azur will have to take their troubles patiently between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m.
The lull between Friday and Saturday will be short-lived. While it is recommended to schedule departure at night, this will not ensure smooth traffic on some highways. Around Paris, the A86 and the A6B will soon be taken by storm to join the A10 and the A6 in the direction of the south of France. The first kilometers of the A10, south of the capital, could also be done in slow motion in the last hours of the night. The situation will only get worse over the hours, with a peak in traffic on these axes expected at the end of the morning. Further south, traffic will be very heavy between Lyon and Marseille from early morning until evening, while further west the A63 (Bordeaux-Bayonne) and A9 (Narbonne-Spain) motorways will be especially busy between late morning and early evening.
The first wave of returns will be seen this weekend. Friday like Saturday, Bison Futé encourages holidaymakers to reach the Ile-de-France region before the start of the afternoon. The A7, from Marseille to Lyon, will also be congested past midday on July 28 and 29. Finally, in the north-west quarter, the difficulties will be more concentrated on Saturday, with slowdowns predicted on the A11 between Nantes and Le Mans between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and on the N165 from Quimper to Nantes in the same slot.
For Bison Futé, the weekend of August 5 and 6 will be the most difficult of the period on the roads, with moreover the only day classified black, Saturday 5, in the direction of departures. Like every summer, certain time slots should be avoided as much as possible (we will detail the traffic before each weekend) so as not to find yourself stuck in endless traffic jams. Under the expected high heat, taking multiple breaks and hydrating regularly will not be too much to better understand these moments that are always a little dreaded.
What traffic this Friday, July 28 according to Bison Futé? Detailed forecastIn the direction of departures:
In the direction of returns:
What traffic this Saturday, July 29 according to Bison Futé? Detailed forecastIn the direction of departures:
In the direction of returns:
What traffic this Sunday, July 30 according to Bison Futé? Detailed forecastIn the direction of departures:
In the direction of returns: