The digital vital card is now available in several test departments. Will your little green card be gone soon? What will this actually change? Here are the first answers.

A single card combining the information from your identity card and your vital card: this is the (very) long-term project presented by the government at the end of May 2023, but it has taken another turn July 26 with the start of an experiment in several test departments.

An official “Carte Vitale” application has been launched on Android and iOS platforms, but it is only useful for residents of these test departments. By providing some information, they can obtain a dematerialized version of their vital card, a sort of digital passport that they can present to their doctor or healthcare professional to obtain reimbursement. The healthcare professional will just have to scan a QR Code for this. Another advantage, the application will allow you to find all the history of your health expenses but also the status of reimbursement.

For now, only a small number of departments participate in this test and allow their residents to obtain a digital vital card. Here is the list:

To obtain this “dematerialized” version of your vital card, you must therefore reside in the test departments mentioned above and meet the following three conditions:

No, at least for now. Your physical vital card remains valid, keep it, you can always use it. This phase in 10 test departments should precisely make it possible to refine the system, specifies the government.

Two proposals for merging identity and health data are also on the table. Detailed in a report by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) that Tech

The Cnil remains to be convinced on the security of merging the data currently separated on two documents. The objective is to ensure that data related to a person’s health will not be accessible by everyone from the identity card. However, the Commission has a preference for the first option, that of integrating information via the identity card chip, which appears to be the solution “the least intrusive and the least risky from a technical point of view” reports Tech

The hypothesis involving the use of the QR code does not seem to guarantee “a sufficient level of security” since all persons equipped with a QR code reading application could, a priori, access the health data of only one individual with his identity card or a photocopy.

Whichever solution is chosen, a data merger “would require an evolution of the technical characteristics of identity documents” and could lead to the replacement of all current identity cards, notes the Cnil. On this point, it seems that the additional compartment necessary for recording health data can be added to the electronic chip of identity cards already issued since 2021 according to the national printing office, i.e. between 6 and 7 million identity cards. ‘identify.

If the project of the merger of the vital card and the identity card has been put on the table, the measure is only in its infancy. The conditions for this change could be specified at the end of 2023, but its implementation is not expected for several months.