How do you compensate for the drop in income associated with retirement? For this, it is better to have been planning for years.

The subject has inflamed the country for months, the executive and legislative powers have finally decided: we will have to work longer in France before retiring. But, precisely, when it’s time to say goodbye to the world of work (and even before), the question of his future standard of living arises. The pensions paid by the State and the supplementary fund do not make it possible to reach the same level as the last salary. At a minimum, the retiree sees his income melt by 20%. But the situation can be very different depending on careers and life paths. So how do you live decently when you’re retired?

Each situation being different and specific to each, there is no ready-made answer. However, if certain tips are applied throughout one’s professional life, it is possible to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Several experts advise first of all to apply, as much as possible, the 15% rule: put in a passbook, each year, 15% of your annual income. Attractive on paper, the practice is actually more complex since it varies according to the salaries received by each. An employee earning €1500 per month will have more difficulty setting aside €225 every month compared to an executive earning double, who, if he cannot save €450, should be able to transfer at least 10% to a passbook .

€300 is the average amount you should try to save every month to ensure a comfortable retirement. If, during the first years, it may be difficult to extract so much money from your budget, professional development or the various bonuses can make it possible to increase this monthly savings and reach this average. By counting 43 years of work, this allows him to have at his disposal a nice nest egg of €155,000. This supplements his retirement by around €650 per month for 20 years. A mattress that can even be a little thicker thanks to the interest rates of the booklets on which the money is placed.

Of course, this is just theory. The different salary levels do not all allow for this rigor of savings and the money set aside is also used to finance the studies of the children, to go on vacation or to deal with hazards. In any case, it is better to plan ahead as soon as possible and save as soon as the opportunity arises.