If your vehicle’s electronic key is broken, it is still possible to unlock it. We’ll explain how to do it.

Among all the (many) problems that one can encounter with a car, there is that of not being able to open it. And this happens more often than you might think since manual keys were replaced by electronic keys and cards. Most of the new keys allow you to unlock the doors and trunk without contact, which is much more convenient than in the not-so-distant era, around thirty years ago, when you had to manually turn a key in the lock. lock of each door to open it independently of the others.

However, it happens that an electronic key no longer works. Sometimes due to a fault, often because the batteries are discharged. In this case, the key is no longer detected by the system and centralized unlocking no longer takes place. This can give rise to a few cold sweats, especially if it happens when you are far from home. But the manufacturers obviously anticipated this disaster scenario.

So, if you find yourself at the door of your vehicle with a key in your hand that appears unusable at first glance, know that it will still allow you to resolve the problem. On the majority of modern car models, the small box which acts as an electronic key has a button whose function is to “eject” a manual key. The latter is not only used to start the engine, it can also allow you to open the doors when the batteries in your mini remote control are too worn out.

It remains to find where the locks are located, almost never visible on 21st century cars. Answer: like in the old days, on the doors. Except that for a question of design, and because they are no longer of much use, the car manufacturers have hidden them. The locksĀ are covered by a small body block that sits at the handle end of the front doors. To remove it, simply pull on the handle as if opening the door then use the tip of the manual key to unclip the block. A small slot is often provided for this purpose and a small lever movement allows it to be easily removed. Once the lock is discovered, all that remains is to turn the key and that’s it.