It’s fall and it’s high time to prepare your home for winter. Here’s what you shouldn’t forget in October.

Your home and garden also need to prepare for the cold season. Here is the complete list of things to check before winter. Take advantage of the month of October to do them. After, it will be too late.

Make sure there is no damage to the tiles or misplaced tiles. If moss has accumulated there, it retains moisture. When this moisture freezes, tiles can crack due to freezing. Remove larger clumps of moss.

It is essential to clean the gutters of leaves and dirt. Blocked gutters and downspouts can cause significant damage. If they become clogged, they can quickly freeze, preventing water from draining properly. This could cause water to overflow toward the walls, causing damage. Additionally, the gutter joint is usually close to the wall. If it freezes and cracks, water could flow down the wall.

It’s a good idea to remove brush and leaves that lie along the foundation and trap moisture. Remember that basement vents should not be blocked!

This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget. Close the taps to prevent them from freezing.

Outdoor furniture requires a little maintenance, such as removing moss or peeling paint, and applying a little oil to wooden furniture if necessary. And of course, they should be stored indoors or under cover! The same goes for garden toys, parasols and the barbecue.

There’s no better feeling than seeing the plants you planted the previous fall start to grow in the spring! Crocuses, tulips, snowdrops. It’s a real pleasure to take care of them in autumn, knowing all the happiness they will bring us.

After you have harvested everything the garden had to offer, it is essential to take one last look before winter. Prune bushes and plants that need it. It is also recommended to cut the upper part of the rose bushes, but avoid too drastic pruning, to reserve for spring. Also, remove leaves from rose bushes to avoid aphid infestation. A final round of weeding will also ensure optimal conditions for growth in spring.

It’s always a surprise every year. Dahlia tubers should be brought in in the fall – before frost. Certainly, they can withstand some light frosts, but not deep frost.

Keep your wood stock full for the winter. The last thing you want is to run out of wood in freezing, windy weather. This is the time you really need it!

In older homes, drafts are usually around doors and windows and at the junctions between the floor and the wall, or the wall and the ceiling. If you carefully detach the moldings, you can insert wool sealant or mineral wool. You will notice a big difference once you can eliminate those drafts! The cold does not penetrate through the wall or window, but through the gaps.