The unemployed will soon have new commitments to respect in order to receive their benefits.

Times will change for the unemployed and those receiving RSA. According to a project currently being finalized, RSA recipients will soon have to commit to participating in “15 to 20 hours of support aimed at social and professional integration for those who need it”. In the event of refusal or non-compliance with commitments, they will risk sanctions up to the partial or total cancellation of their allocation.

Another significant measure in preparation: “France Travail” will replace “Pôle Emploi” on January 1, with reinforced missions to offer “better support to all people who are not capable of finding employment on their own.”

For job seekers, this support will in reality be binding, as summarized by Vie-Publique: the unemployed will in fact have to sign a “commitment contract”, which replaces the “personalized employment access project (PPAE). )”. This contract “will include an action plan specifying the objectives of social or professional integration and, where applicable, the level of intensity of the support required”.

This takes the form of requests for participation in “training”, “immersions” and “workshops”. It is specified that in the event of non-compliance with the employment contract, “the France Travail operator may remove the person from the list of job seekers”. And therefore cut off his unemployment benefits if that happens.

Note that the employment contract also concerns “young people requesting support from local missions” and “disabled people requesting support from Cap emploi”.

The text which contains all these measures was called the “Full Employment Bill”. It was already adopted by the National Assembly in the middle of the summer and was the subject of an agreement among parliamentarians in October. It should therefore now be voted on quickly and without difficulty.

This is not the first change to affect the unemployed this year. Job seekers have already seen the calculation of their rights change since February 1: the duration of compensation for job seekers has been reduced by 25% compared to the rules previously applicable. A provision which may change if the unemployment rate exceeds 9% in France again.