They arrive at your home to spend the winter warm. Don’t kill them, here’s how to get rid of them with a few drops of a natural product.

You may have encountered them at home, green bugs (or wood bugs) are particularly present this year in our houses and apartments. Very invasive, these little beasts can measure up to 1.5 cm and become very bulky. They are harmless to humans, but it is never pleasant to come face to face with them at home, especially since there can be many of them, especially this year. If there is no chemical treatment dedicated to fighting green bugs, a natural solution based on essential oil is very effective.

In autumn, green bugs stick to the windows, walls and ceilings of our homes to find warm shelter. And when they fly, they make a really unpleasant noise. But that’s not all. They are difficult to eliminate, and it is strongly recommended not to crush them, but also to scare them. If they feel threatened, they will activate their defense system and release a foul odor, which is very unpleasant for us. So here is a solution to prevent them from entering.

The idea is to make a barrier with a smell that green bugs hate, that of mint. Mix 200 ml of water with 5 to 10 drops of mint or eucalyptus essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray the preparation on the places where bedbugs pass, but also the places that they like to colonize. This solution is very momentary, but very effective. She drives them away immediately, but it is absolutely necessary to repeat the operation every day, otherwise the animals may return. Remember to spray the product every morning or evening.

If you do not want to use essential oils, for example because you are pregnant or have a baby or toddler at home, you can infuse chopped mint leaves (l the equivalent of 3 to 4 tablespoons) in 250 ml of hot water. Let the mixture cool and transfer it to a spray bottle. Proceed in the same way as with the essential oil solution.