This product, present in many shopping carts, will, in turn, increase the bill at the supermarket checkout.

It is a pleasure for young and old, whether for breakfast or snack. The French are fond of biscuits of all kinds: they eat on average 8kg per year, the equivalent of 40 packets. Their preferences are clear: LU is in the lead, followed by Prince, Granola, Milka, Belvita, Oreo and Mikado.

If prices vary depending on brands and quantities, many biscuits are priced around €2 per pack. But the situation should change very soon: prices will increase. Like many other products, biscuits are suffering from rising raw material costs, particularly cocoa.

This ingredient, fundamental in the design of chocolate, sells for 50% more than a year ago. The cause: poor harvests in producing countries (mainly Ivory Coast and Ghana) due to climatic events. To which must be added the increase in the price of sugar and the even more considerable rise in transport costs due to fuel prices.

A manufacturer has announced the upcoming increase in its prices: Mondelez, the producer of Oreo. These round chocolate and vanilla cookies will be sold more expensively in supermarkets. “The increase in the cost of cocoa is so significant that we have to go through a direct price increase,” said Dirk Van de Put, CEO of Mondelez, in an interview with Bloomberg.

The exact amount of the increase was not indicated by the boss of the firm and its French subsidiary did not respond to our requests for details on future prices. However, it should be noted that in 2022, Oreo prices had increased by 7%. More recently, a further 12% increase was implemented over the summer. These new, higher prices have not stopped consumers from putting these cookies in their carts: the company has not experienced any decline in sales in recent years.

And that’s not all. The manufacturer announced that the Toblerone, which it produces, would also be sold more expensively in the near future. It might not stop there: Mondelez is in fact the owner of LU, Prince, Granola, Milka, Belvita and Mikado… the main biscuits consumed in France. If no information has been given on the subject by the manufacturer, cocoa prices should, again, be passed on.