Unemployed people can go on vacation for more than two months while retaining their rights, over a given period.

Like all employees, the unemployed are entitled to vacation each year. 5 weeks are granted to unemployed people, between January 1 and December 31 each year. However, it is very important to notify Pôle Emploi when you wish to use these days. The regulation provides for unemployed people to be immediately available to start a new job. They are therefore not allowed to leave their home for too long without notifying their advisor.

Recipients can only leave for 7 days without saying anything but must absolutely inform Pôle Emploi if their absence is longer. This leads to a major change: if your advisor does not know that you are on leave for more than a week, he could schedule an appointment for you. However, if you are far from your home and cannot be there, this can result in significant sanctions: administrative penalties, reduction in unemployment benefit… or even deregistration!

By declaring your departure, this allows you to leave with a free mind: compensation will continue to accrue and you will not be able to be contacted by your advisor. For a few days, you will be able to forget the worries of not having a job. The limit is set at 35 days each year, but there is a way to leave home for much longer without risking being penalized.

This period of leave is authorized over the calendar year, i.e. between January 1 and December 31. At the change of year, the counters are reset to zero. It is therefore entirely possible and legal to combine your two periods of 35 days straddling the end of the year and the beginning of the following year to benefit from 70 days of leave while being compensated.

The period over which this can be done is very precise and similar each year: unemployed people can go on vacation for 10 consecutive weeks without any risk of radiation by laying down their days between November 27 of a year and February 4 of the year next. This is the last 35 days of one year and the first 35 days of the following year.

This is perfectly legal since the counters are reset to 0 on January 1st. There is therefore no risk of reduction in compensation or delisting. With one catch: you must not have taken any days off before November 27. And no more will be available between February 4 and December 31 of the following year. Unless you agree to see your compensation reduced or to be delisted.