This Wednesday, November 29, we learned the names of the three candidates who risk elimination on Saturday evening. Discover their identity and the summary of the evaluations.

Who says Wednesday, says evaluation at the Star Academy! This November 29, fans of the TF1 show were able to discover in the daily newspaper a new round of ratings for the castle candidates still in competition. This week, they were evaluated on piano-voice. For the occasion, Matthieu Gonet was exceptionally invited to judge the evaluations with the rest of the teachers.

At the end of the evaluations, the teachers decided to nominate three candidates: Victorien, Candice and Djebril. One of them will therefore leave the adventure at the end of the bonus on Saturday evening.

You can now vote for the Star Academy candidate you want to save by phone (34 80) or by SMS (71 500). To save Candice type 1, to fish out Djebril type 2 and to help Victorien type 3.

These are the three candidates who least convinced the teachers this week. Victorien sang out of tune during the song, which the candidate cannot “explain”. “At this point, it’s shameful,” he later told Djebril.

Djebril’s performance did not necessarily convince the teachers, Michael Goldman believing that he has vocal “limits”. Adeline Toniutti, reminds us that there is still “work”. For her part, Candice was not emulated by the teachers, especially by Matthieu Gonet who felt that her performance was below that of the others.

Conversely, other students received praise from Star Academy teachers this week. After risking elimination last week, Helena caused a sensation among the teachers: “She has a very pretty voice, she is very touching”, believes Cécile Chaduteau, who also notes her “attempts at interpretation”. She was also the “first crush” of Pierre de Brauer and Michael Goldman.

Margot managed to seduce the teachers, despite her “vocal limitations” and completed a “successful evaluation”. For Adeline Toniutti, Margot “does too much” sometimes. Mathieu Gonet, for his part, praised “his nerve” and “his confidence”.

Pierre, too, impressed Matthieu Gonet who “did not have the impression of seeing a student, but an artist”. Clara has “great progress” according to the singing teacher, while the dance teacher said that she “loves” Clara.

Axel, for his part, has not convinced the director of the castle, who believes that the candidate is unable to progress and that he remains too academic. For Adeline Toniutti, he is not yet an artist who succeeds in moving his audience.