The director of the Oissel police academy should be suspended for carrying out violent exercises on his students last week. An investigation was entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN).

Friday, November 24, at the Oissel police academy, near Rouen, violent exercises were undertaken at the initiative of an instructor. In particular, we learned that drowning simulations were inflicted on young recruits in training. The scene was filmed and was posted online by the newspaper Le Parisien.

In this video a young man appears whose head is covered by a black t-shirt with a bottle of water poured into it. Placed with his back to the wall, the student in question appears to be suffocating and tries to take off the t-shirt several times, while the same fate is administered to other students nearby.

Still according to Le Parisien, 42 videos of this exercise, in which around thirty students participated, were produced. The daily reveals that after he was asked to sing the Marseillaise, the young man also received blows in the abdomen from a police officer training intervention techniques and safety (FTSI).

The General Directorate of the National Police (DGPN), interviewed by Le Parisien, told the newspaper: “The video corresponds to a sequence conducted at the initiative of a police academy trainer. This behavior and this method are firmly condemned “. According to information collected by the daily, the students in question were all volunteers and even signed a waiver.

Informed of the facts, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, spoke on this subject this Thursday, November 30 on France 2, where he denounced “unacceptable” facts. He also specified that he had “requested that we suspend this trainer”. He also summoned the director of the Oissel police academy, who will be seen by the services of the Ministry of the Interior in the coming days. An investigation was opened and entrusted this Wednesday, November 29 to the IGPN, the police force.