It is entirely possible to leave your job without a conventional break and obtain your unemployment rights, without having to fully embark on a new project.

The phenomenon is very present in France and it is even a goal for some with the new year: many employees wish to change positions or companies. Their goal: to obtain better pay or better working conditions. Some, tired of their daily lives, no longer even hesitate to give up their job with nothing behind them. A decision which, generally, does not give rise to unemployment rights.

However, a resignation can allow you to obtain compensation paid by Pôle emploi, even without having signed a conventional termination. Several situations are planned by the organization. Among these, one may prove interesting for thousands of French people… thanks to their marital situation.

Indeed, it is possible to obtain unemployment when an employee moves to settle with his or her civil partnership or marriage partner. To do this, the union must have been sealed in the two months preceding the move or must be sealed within the two months following it.

In this situation, the conditions for granting unemployment are very vague. A boon for the 1.8 million couples not living under the same roof (Epic survey, 2019)? Almost. Because not so fast. Contacted by Linternaute, Pôle emploi recognizes that “the texts do not set a minimum distance which must separate the workplace of the resigning employee and the new place of residence of the couple” to allow payment of unemployment.

But don’t think you can become unemployed after signing a paper and taking your belongings a few hundred meters from your home. “There must be a causal link between the resignation and the change of residence, in other words, a change of residence in the same street or the same neighborhood would not make it possible to establish that the resignation was made necessary,” we clearly state. the organism. It is therefore a case-by-case study which is carried out, “taking into account the duration of journeys”.

Thus, it is difficult to imagine Pôle emploi granting unemployment rights to an employee moving but still having, in their new municipality, a direct means of transport to reach their work. This resignation, called “legitimate”, can only work if the person is truly isolated from their job.

For this situation to be validated, several documents to attest to the reconciliation must be provided. And, above all, you must be ready to enter into a civil partnership or get married.