Invitations were sent to European heads of state and government as well as to the presidents of EU institutions. Here are those who will respond.

Former President of the European Commission Jacques Delors died on December 27 at the age of 98. Emmanuel Macron wanted to pay him a national tribute, during a ceremony which will take place in the Cour des Invalides on Friday January 5, 2024. For the occasion, numerous invitations were sent to political figures of the European Union. All heads of state and government in office have received theirs. Many responded favorably.

The presence of Viktor Orban, announced by Europe 1, is surprising: since his election in 2010, the head of the Hungarian government has led a policy hostile to European institutions as defended by Jacques Delors. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also confirmed his visit, as did Belgian liberal Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

The current leaders of the Community institutes also received their invitation to the tribute, as well as those who were in office when Jacques Delors presided over the European Commission, from 1985 to 1995. The President of the European Commission, the German Ursula von der Leyen , is expected at Les Invalides, as well as the Belgian Charles Michel, President of the European Council, the Italian Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, as well as the President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde.

The Elysée also clarified that the socialist mayor of Lille Martine Aubry, daughter of Jacques Delors, had taken part in the preparations for the tribute, but would not speak during the ceremony.