The bosses of the two Renaissance allied parties, Edouard Philippe and François Bayrou, would have expressed their disagreement to Macron concerning the appointment of Gabriel Attal.

The increasingly solid hypothesis of the appointment of Gabriel Attal to the post of Prime Minister is causing cringe within the presidential majority. Two leading figures from the Macronist camp even tried to block the Minister of Education’s access to Matignon by expressing their dissatisfaction at the Elysée on Monday evening, according to information from Politico. Some ministers considered for the post also reportedly protested.

“Macron is forced to scrap things when things should have gone sour,” confides a close friend of the president to Politico. According to this relative, Edouard Philippe and François Bayrou in turn telephoned the Elysée following the resignation of Elisabeth Borne on Monday January 8. The bosses of Horizons and MoDem, two parties allied with Renaissance in Parliament, would have tried to dissuade the head of state from choosing Gabriel Attal for Matignon.

A supporter of François Bayrou confirmed his leader’s opposition to the appointment of the 32-year-old minister. In Edouard Philippe’s camp, on the other hand, they deny the information, ensuring that the mayor of Le Havre and the Minister of Education “get along very well”, even if Philippe defended the maintenance of Elisabeth Borne.

François Bayrou and Edouard Philippe would not be the only ones in their camp to look gloomy. According to an LCI journalist, Bruno Le Maire and Gérald Darmanin also tried to get in the way of Gabriel Attal. The Ministers of the Economy and the Interior, both pioneers of the Macronian executive and expected to replace Elisabeth Borne, would not have hidden their disappointment at the idea of ??seeing their younger brother preferred. Especially since, according to Politico, Gérald Darmanin did not obtain the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs that he coveted.