The former Prime Minister can benefit from certain advantages by leaving her post. It remains to be seen what his future will hold.

Is Elisabeth Borne leaving empty-handed? The former Prime Minister handed over the keys of Matignon to her successor, Gabriel Attal, on Tuesday January 9. After a resignation submitted at the request of the President of the Republic, and not of his own free will. In her farewell speech, Borne expressed her intention to join the benches of deputies of the presidential majority, by resuming her mandate as deputy for the 6th constituency of Calvados. What compensation can she claim for her government work?

There is no lifetime salary for the former tenants of Matignon. However, all ministers who leave their functions, whatever the reasons for their departure, are entitled to compensation equivalent to three times the monthly salary received during their mandate. For Elisabeth Borne, this monthly salary amounted to 14,910 euros gross, recalls Ouest France. She could therefore receive 44,730 euros upon her departure.

However, the payment of this severance pay is conditional: the minister can only receive it if she is up to date in her declarations of assets and interests with the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) and if , in the three months following the end of her mandate, she does not exercise any paid activity and does not sit in Parliament.

However, Elisabeth Borne has indicated her desire to sit with the presidential majority in the Assembly: “I will soon be one of them as a deputy for Calvados and I look forward to continuing to serve my country alongside them with determination and high standards”, she declared on the steps of Matignon. If she immediately takes her seat from Freddy Sertin, she will not benefit from her compensation as former Prime Minister.

Finally, former French heads of government benefit from some benefits in kind. They are entitled to a personal secretary paid by the State for 10 years or until their 67th birthday, as well as a driver for life, and can also claim a security guard. These advantages are nevertheless eliminated if the former minister exercises new functions giving rise to similar rights.