Marie Toussaint, head of the environmentalist list in the European elections, attacks the CNAF’s discriminatory algorithm and campaigns for a “social right of veto” at the European level.

What is “state povertyphobia”? For Marie Toussaint, it is when the public authorities carry out discriminatory policies towards the poorest and most precarious populations. The head of the Europe Ecology party, the Greens, in the European elections declares war on these practices. She contacted the rights defender about the National Family Insurance Fund (CNAF), after the revelations of a joint investigation by Le Monde, LightHouse Report and Quadrature du net: according to this investigation, the algorithm of the CNAF targets and controls more people in the most precarious situations.

“The more vulnerable you are, the more the algorithm suspects you: being in a situation of poverty, being a single-parent family or even receiving a disabled adult allowance (AAH) places you at the top of the list of people to be checked urgently”, s ‘undignified Marie Toussaint in the introductory text of her petition “against povertyphobia”.

In his letter of referral to the rights defender, consulted by AFP, the ecologist deplores that “categories of the population already suffering from socio-economic difficulties are hit by a double penalty: that of having to undergo more frequent checks and more in-depth due to their vulnerability.

The petition launched by Marie Toussaint also calls for the creation of a European “social veto”. This right of veto would force “studying the impact of each” European project “on the poorest 10 or 20%” and, in the event of proven harmful impact on these categories, would allow the project to be blocked.

In continuation of this new social vigilance within the EU, Marie Toussaint defends the creation of “the equivalent of a defender of rights at European level”.