Gilles Moretton is the subject of a report for “false testimony under oath”, for having minimized the salary of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra when she was general director of the French Tennis Federation.

Another subject of bad press for Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. The new Minister of National Education, who is already struggling with her own controversies, is indirectly involved in a matter relating to her former position as general director of the French Tennis Federation. The Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed on Tuesday January 16 that it had opened several preliminary investigations, including one targeting the president of the FFT, Gilles Moretton. He is suspected of “false testimony under oath” concerning Oudéa-Castéra’s salary.

The package opened its preliminary investigation on the basis of a report from the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the failures of sports federations, specifies Le Monde. This commission of inquiry interviewed several federation directors in 2023, including Gilles Moretton, as part of investigations into their management of gender-based and sexual violence, racism, but also their financial management. During his hearing, Gilles Moretton is accused of having minimized the salary paid to Amélie Oudéa-Castéra when she was general director of the FFT.

The president of the FFT declared that Amélie Oudéa-Castéra’s remuneration was “not very far” from that of her predecessor in the position, Jean-François Vilotte. However, the latter received 23,000 euros net per month, while Oudéa-Castéra received 35,000 euros net each month.

For her part, the current minister, also interviewed in November by the commission of inquiry, “escaped being reported to the courts for perjury, because she sent a corrective letter”, even if “at the time of the hearing , she did not tell the truth”, specifies the rapporteur of the parliamentary committee, Sabrina Sebaihi. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra had also made erroneous declarations, assuring that there was “no taxpayer money behind [her] remuneration”. The next day, she acknowledged an “error” by letter.