Raphaël Glucksmann has continued to denounce his exclusion from the France 2 debate. The Socialist candidate finally obtained an interview on prime time next Tuesday.

A lot of noise for nothing ? The debate organized by France 2 between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella, Thursday May 23, did not excite the French, according to the weak reactions on social networks. The event, which both camps tried to present as the highlight of the European election campaign, will also have aroused its share of criticism, in particular from the heads of the lists who were not invited. But ultimately, one of them comes out on top.

Raphaël Glucksmann was right to hold on. The Socialist candidate, given half a point behind Valérie Hayer’s Macronist list in the latest Harris Interactive poll, has never stopped denouncing the organization of the Attal-Bardella duel. “A denial of democracy”, against which the PS appealed to the audiovisual regulator Arcom. Glucksmann even declined France 2’s invitation to speak on set following the debate, which four other top candidates agreed to do. His resistance paid off: the MEP ended up winning a tidy compensation.

He will in fact be the guest of France 2 on Tuesday May 28, for a 30-minute interview with journalist Caroline Roux, just after the 8 p.m. television news, L’Opinion has learned. A solo prime time which will offer Raphaël Glucksmann a platform of choice to stand out, around ten days before the European elections. “It’s the least we can do,” reacts those around him to Le Figaro, while insisting that “it takes nothing away from the democratic scandal of the debate” Attal-Bardella.

Thursday morning, Raphaël Glucksmann again denounced the organization of a confrontation of “the right against the extreme right, as if the election came down to this duel.” The MEP, for his part, wants to show “that there is another way. That we are not condemned to this eternal match, false match, between Emmanuel Macron, his friends, and the extreme right.”