The FLNC spoke at a press conference to affirm its hostility to the island’s autonomy project, while affirming its solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The FLNC, Corsican National Liberation Front, has broken its silence. Friday January 26, 2024, eleven hooded men dressed in black organized a clandestine press conference under the banner “FLNC”. A speech during which the organization affirmed its new contours and called into question the role of Paris which it judges incapable of “preserving the Corsican people”. France Bleu RCFM obtained the three-page press release read by one of the members of the group.

If a new nationalist and independence party, resulting from the absorption of several other movements and which supports the armed struggle, “Nazione” saw the light of day in Corsica, on Sunday January 28, it is indeed the historic FLNC which took the lead. speech to condemn the autonomy project of the island of beauty. In its press release, the group also mentions the support provided by the FLNC to the Palestinian people “martyrized, denied, exterminated by the Israeli occupier”. “Because we are the FLNC, we will always be in solidarity with all peoples around the world in their legitimate right to self-determination and independence on their land,” we can read.

According to the FLNC, the current situation would lead to the “irremediable” disappearance of the Corsican people. “We find ourselves in the same situation as all the peoples who undergo settlement colonization. That which France produces on its occupied territories is mechanical.” The organization says it should soon be forced to “appeal to international bodies to assert the rights of (its) people.” For the FLNC, the island population increased by 20,310 residents between 2015 and 2021, “mostly non-Corsican”. Furthermore, there is “no legal possibility for the Corsican people to oppose it” they indicate.

As a reminder, the meeting of Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin scheduled for Wednesday February 7 and Thursday February 8 in Corsica, as part of the island’s autonomy process, has been postponed for several weeks. Indeed, the “first cop of France” canceled his trip because the “serene conditions” were not met after the absence of condemnation “by island political leaders” of the “invasion of the property of the Minister of Justice “, Eric Dupond-Moretti, in Centuri (Haute-Corse) a few days earlier.

An episode which came on top of the FLNC’s decided press conference, to say the least. A conference during which the illegal immigrants claim “the 45 actions of last October”, just like the “Piana residence action”.