a hard-hitting statement as “party friends”: From the point of view of the free Mr zu Guttenberg Minister Markus Söder lack Format for the office of CSU leaders.

Update on 20. December, 22.25 PM: , The reigning CSU Chairman Horst Seehofer of the CSU-Christmas party the statements of Karl-Theodor in her criticism of Guttenberg. “Everything cheese” were these quotes said Seehofer – he thought nothing of it. Merkur.de* writes.

To Guttenbergs doubt: Siemens chief Söder calls to the Federal political presence in

Update on 20. December, 16.10 PM: Siemens-Chef Joe Kaeser has not called the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder, to focus only on Bayern. “If the CSU has a Federal political claim, then it must be ,to Germany first’ hot and not Bavaria first’,” said Kaeser, the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Online edition/Print Thursday). “Söder lives for his state,” added Kaeser. The make it difficult the national level. This was seen in the refugee debate. The months-long dispute within the CSU, he Ultrabet criticized: “This was not an example of how to deal with each other.” Previously, the former defense Minister Karl-Theodor had warned to Guttenberg and his party, to shrink under Söder a regional party.

also read: Kramp-Karrenbauer on Thursday to be a guest on “people of 2018,” with Markus Lanz

“Unnecessary vulgarity”: Harsh criticism of Guttenberg, according to Söder-attack

Update on July 19. December: – Frontal attack on Markus Söder – but why? What is the motive? According to the “image” you can even recognise longstanding friends is not a sensible strategy behind the outbreak. The most plausible explanation, says the dial, is simply boundless frustration.

An “unnecessary nastiness” is called the Interview itself within a Still-CSU-chief and the Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (69), according to the “image”. And, although he Seehofer have multiple “rolls out the red carpet” for a possible Comeback. Now, kicking is simply “unspeakable”.

Seehofer itself rejected Guttenbergs speak with clear words. He can think of to Compare with former party Chairman little. “Everything cheese,” said the Federal Minister of the interior to a CSU press event on Wednesday evening in Munich. “Each period has its own personalities, their tasks, their style.” He had proposed to Söder of the CSU Board “from the heart” for the party presidency. This was in the current Situation, “the Best to the success of the CSU to continue”.

Franz Georg Strauss (58), son of CSU legend Franz Josef Strauss, criticized, however, open the newspaper: “These Comments are unfair and inappropriate. First, because of the comparison to an exceptional personality such as Franz Josef Strauß for all of the successor is difficult. He was at the time, the best graduates and academics in Bavaria. I don’t know whether such a today would go into politics. Secondly, he accuses Mrs Kramp-karrenbauer, to slip into the shoes of Konrad Adenauer. Kramp-Karrenbauer was only a General Secretary.”

the original message from the 18.12.2018: Hearty reckoning with Söder: Guttenberg badmouthing the future of the CSU chief

Munich – In an Interview with the Kleine Zeitung, former German defense Minister Karl-Theodor before unbuttoning zu Guttenberg, the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder. This to on 19. January Horst Seehofer, the new CSU-succeed-in-chief. The party’s Executive Committee nominated Söder on Monday unanimously.

Guttenberg on Söder: The intellectual and international Format, he didn’t want to

On the well-being of CSU, a member of the Guttenberg will have to do without Söder: “I contemplate with voltage, what is going on in the CSU. The CSU must be very careful not to you will not to the regional party, that you give up your Federal and European political influence on duration in favor of a pure Munich or Bavaria – appearance. Here is the new party must prove to the chief.“

It goes even further: The former defense Minister doubts even in the intellectual Format Söders. He doesn’t have the stuff to put in a series with other CSU party leaders. Literally Guttenberg said in the Interview with the Austrian newspaper: “so Far, he is one of the the great party leaders of the CSU. I say this in all openness. The intellectual and international Format of a Franz Josef Strauss, or of a Theo Waigel Markus Söder has not yet reached.“

Gutenberg also says, quite frankly, whom he thought would be the better Alternative to the CSU-tip: “I would have liked to Manfred Weber.”

+ Freiherr zu Guttenberg crashed about an affair to his doctoral work. The upcoming election Söders to the CSU party leader, he sees critical.©dpa / Peter Kneffel

Guttenberg and a return to the policy: “passion is not lost, but…”

Apparently, the upcoming election dampens Söders to the CSU party boss is also the Motivation of the free Lord, active in the politics of return: “I have not lost the passion for politics, but the passion, as regards the political life, into perspective.“

The former CDU parliamentary leader, Friedrich Merz, will be meanwhile, the Federal Minister. The decision was “a matter for the Chancellor”.

also read: last meeting as a CSU boss Seehofer said goodbye with a wistful speech.

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*Merkur.de affected is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network
