The “Like”Button from Facebook could soon be significantly less on the Internet. A dispute in North Rhine-Westphalia was presented to the European court of justice.

Luxembourg/Dusseldorf, Germany – according to an influential judge, legal assessor to the European court of justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg, it must inform every page that uses this Button, first on the associated data transfer. For the final judgment, the opinion is not binding on the judges in Luxembourg are based but most of the time.

consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia complained against Online retailers

In a particular dispute, it comes to a Online retailer Savoybetting of fashion items. On his website he has the “Like-Me” or “Like”Button involved. With a click, customers, and other users in the online network Facebook will be able to give that you a particular product. When Calling the page the IP address, and information about the used Browser does not be sent to Facebook, even if a user clicks on the “Like”Button.

Unsolicited data transmission is unlawful

The consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia has filed a complaint against the Online retailer. The unsolicited data transfer is unlawful. The higher regional court (OLG) Düsseldorf, submitted the dispute to the ECJ. There is the so-called General attorney Michal Bobek presented now first of all, a legal opinion. After that, it is compatible with EU law, in Germany, certain associations consumer interests in issues of data protection can perceive. The “Like”Button Bobek stressed that Facebook and the operator of such websites, here’s the Online retailers that are common for the associated data transfer to be responsible.

operators of Internet sites must have data transfer inform

Therefore, should the operator of such site users prior to the transmission of data to inform about the purpose of the data transmission and the responsible persons. Whether the Information is sufficient, or whether a user consent is necessary, depends upon Belief Bobek whether Facebook and the site operator can make a “legitimate interest” for the transmission of data to claim it. In the case of the Online retailer this is the one with the “Likes” related advertising on Facebook for your own products. Whether this is enough, should now decide, where appropriate, the higher regional court of Düsseldorf.


Facebook riddle goes viral – almost every

Breakfast Puzzles currently spreading virally on Facebook. Although it appears simple, fail the most.