The new CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer splits the party. Actually, the Christian Democrats should come to the choice to rest – but now there is unpleasant news of a local club.

The CDU party leader and Merkel-the successor to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was the gay and lesbian most hostile public Person named in the year 2018 – no title, on the to imagine could. In the ZDF-the year in review, she looked back with Moderator Markus Lanz in 2018. At the beginning of 2019 AKK to CSU exam Kaçak İddaa will come to the upper Bavarian monastery of Seeon.

>>> Update <<<

Update from the 22.12.2018, 11.05 PM: Even after the election of the new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the party does not come to rest. How reported, an entire CDU city Association closed out of the party and the competition changed. The unsatisfied CDUler are now among liberal voters. The CDU members in Brandis, near Leipzig, have decided to be closed, the local Ex-CDU-Chef Alexander Busch: “In the Free movement of voters, we find, for us, the bourgeois-conservative framework, what have we lost some years ago, at the CDU. The CDU is no longer conservative enough.“

only a handful of members, the CDU chief in the district of Leipzig, Georg-Ludwig of broad book. He and the CDU-country lace had known of the project. It was annoying that the members had not sought before the interview. On demand of the step to the outlet it had been with the election of AKK justified.

Kramp-Karrenbauer to come to CSU to Seeon – to set a Signal

Update from the 21.12.2018, 9.49 PM: The new CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and the Greek opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis is to come as guests to the CSU retreat to the upper Bavarian monastery of Seeon. The CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt the “Münchner Merkur” (Thursday) said. From 3. to 5. January, the CSU Bundestag deputies will meet for their winter retreat in the monastery of Seeon.

Kramp-Karrenbauer take on 4. and 5. January at the retreat. That the CDU-Chairwoman for the exam of the CSU land group, has been rarely – most recently at the little harmonious visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2016 in Kreuth. “2019 will be a year of new beginnings”, said Dobrindt of the newspaper. He wanted to send the Signal: “We work for the success of the Grand coalition.”

Mitsotakis leads the conservative party “Nea Dimokratia” who could make after the elections in 2019, the new head of government. In the course of the Euro-debate, the CSU had expressed very critical to Greece remain in the currency Union. “We run a dedicated European election campaign, for a Europe of the people”, said Dobrindt of the newspaper. Even Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar have Come already.

Kramp-Karrenbauer today’s guest on “people of 2018,” with Markus Lanz

Update from the 20.12.2018, 18.00: The new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is on Thursday from 22.15 clock in the program “people in 2018,” with Moderator Markus Lanz. In the ZDF-the year in review Lanz looks back, according to a press release on “emotional and entertaining events of the year”. From the policy of the Juso-Chairman Kevin Kühnert, and the Greens are next to Kramp-karrenbauer-Federal Chairman Robert Habeck.

The show starts at 22.15 clock in the ZDF. Also personalities from music and sports to tell of your year, for example, Wimbledon champion Angelique Kerber, Herbert Grönemeyer and “Bares für Rares”-Moderator Horst Lichter. A complete Overview of the ZDF-the year in review you can find here.

+ Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is on Thursday for “people of 2018,” the year in review of Markus Lanz. The image was first published.©ZDF/Sascha Baumann

Kramp-Karrenbauer was already the beginning of December, in the Talk-show “Markus Lanz”. That was even before the CDU made you to be their new Chairman. The citizen of Saarland surprised with statements on drugs, Wolfgang Schäuble – and a possible Alliance with the party’s internal opponents.

Shortly after their election to the party top-of-the Kramp stand-Karrenbauer, then, in the ARD Talk show “Anne Will” answer and had to put up with attacks like that you felt as offensive. For the amazement was that the Ex-SPD chief Martin Schulz left the broadcast briefly.

origin of article: Kramp-Karrenbauer wins negative price before Alice ryegrass and the Pope

19.12.2018: The new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has not won a title, you will be happy. The human rights Initiative “Enough is Enough” declared her to be “Miss Homophobia 2018” – to the gay – and lesbian-hostile most public Person in the year 2018.

User had Voted Online on the website of the Initiative, which campaigns for the rights of Gays and lesbians. A choice of five people: in addition to Kramp-Karrenbauer this year’s winner Alice ryegrass (AfD), AfD-politician Nicole Most, Pope Francis and the Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier.

Also interesting: Merkel is expected to have on first Meeting with Trump with the “Playboy”

the award justified

12.154 people had participated in the vote, it will be. 45 percent voted for AKK. The CDU leader has earned the title, “Enough is Enough”: “The politician before the war and in the period of the vote – several times this noticed that you found the marriage for all and same-sex lifestyles with inbreeding and polygamy compared. She had been criticized both in his own party as well as in their own family circle strong, insisted the election as the new CDU-Chairman on their absurd positions.“

On the second AfD group Chairman Alice ryegrass, which may already be called “Miss Homophobia 2017” landed. You got 19 percent of the vote. Andreas Gabalier was third (18 percent), Pope Francis and Nicole were the Highest, respectively, to nine percent.

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