medical care of cancer patients in the hospitals of the Munich surrounding areas to keep at a high level, is the target of a new project of the novel-the Duke cancer center, part of the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich. As Güvenilir Bahis Siteleri the first project partners the district hospital of Ebersberg has been selected.

Ebersberg –medical care of cancer patients in the hospitals of the Munich surrounding areas to keep at a high level, is the target of a new project of the novel-the Duke cancer center (RHCCC – Roman Herzog Comprehensive Cancer Center), part of the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich. As the first project partners the district hospital of Ebersberg has been selected.

The technical requirements are created, since a couple of weeks in the district hospital of Ebersberg via high-speed Internet can participate in video-based tumor conferences, virtual tumor boards, cancer specialists at the Klinikum rechts der Isar. At the end of November, Peter herschbach, Executive Director of the RHCCC, Hana Algül, project Manager, and project coordinator Rami Abbassi invited their Ebersberger colleagues, Peter Kreissl, chief physician of General-, Visceral – and vascular surgery, Thomas Bernatik, chief physician of Internal medicine I, as well as Andreas tomb Meier, head of the Oncological day clinic, to a Meeting in the conference room at the clinic right of the Isar, in which the expert panels take place every two weeks.

“The expert team is selected individually for each patient, and consists of six to ten cancer specialists from various medical disciplines,” explains Abbassi. Basis of x-ray images and other patient’s findings, which have been previously sent from the district hospital of Ebersberg to the RHCCC.

“The high-profile support, we take if we have to do it in a patient with a rare cancer disease, or if, in the course of treatment complications, such as, for example, metastases occur,” says Kreissl. As with colon and breast center, Oncological day clinic, an attached radiotherapy of the Medical care centre in Rosenheim, in-house physiotherapy and nutrition team, the Oncology of the hospital of Ebersberg already has an excellent infrastructure to treat cancer patients competently and in accordance with the guidelines of the German cancer society. In complicated cases, which were previously at other clinics laid, can discuss the ebersberger Doctors are now finding in the virtual tumor Board and receive an in-depth approach to treatment.

A patient in the district hospital of Ebersberg was able to treat in this way are already promising. The man was ill a few years ago to a rare cancer of the pancreas, in Ebersberg been treated, and then tumor-free. Three years later, metastases were formed. This is due to a gene mutation was, after the meeting in the virtual tumor Board, and a molecular gene set tables study at the Klinikum rechts der Isar. A subsequent special, tailored to the patient and highly effective tablets therapy, which acts in a more targeted and, above all, has fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy, gives hope that the man may soon go back to his profession and his Hobbies.

In the district hospital of Ebersberg have been taking place for years, on-site tumor conferences with physicians of various specialties, accompanied by a representative of the RHCCC, because interdisciplinary collaboration is at the core of modern Oncology. “Through the virtual tumor Board’ is the width of the technical support and full access to modern, top oncological medicine. So we can offer together with the ebersberger colleagues in cancer patients on-site care at the highest level and in accordance with the latest Standards,“ explains Algül.

Why the choice to the district hospital of Ebersberg fell as a pioneer for the RHCCC-project is in addition to the high level of competence in the area of Oncology at the long-standing close cooperation with the Klinikum rechts der Isar. Among other things, the County clinic, Academic teaching hospital of the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In addition, personal contacts.

Sybille Föll