shooting stars 2018: The Ursiden are to be seen in December in the skies over Germany. Your climax you have just before Christmas – all the info to the sky spectacle.

Munich – Christmas is coming, all the presents are bought (hopefully), and the family is together. With the Ursiden there is also a shooting star swarm, will be on time for Christmas.

you have never heard of the Ursiden? Where the Name came from, how they arise, what time is it exactly that you are in Germany and where it has the best view of the celestial spectacle, we have summarized for you.

Ursiden in December of 2018: What shooting stars are?

the Geminids, the Ursiden are the second strong shooting star swarm, will be available in December through Germany. The most well-known meteor streams, as they are called, these phenomena, however, are probably the Perseids, which always go in the summer on the earth. The lower popularity of Geminids and Ursiden compared to the Perseids is easy to explain: The temperatures and weather conditions, to watch shooting stars, in the balmy summer easy viewing-friendly than in the cold Winter.

With up to ten meteors per hour, the Ursiden flash not as often as some of the other shooting star swarms. However, there were also years where significantly more shooting stars.

in addition to the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December, the sky observers were able to iden in addition, in October, the Orion, and in November, the Leon marvel at iden.

shooting stars in December of 2018: where does the Name “Ursiden”?

The ursiden swarm has its name origin in the constellation of the Little bear (in Latin ursa minor) , also known as a Small car The main star of this constellation is Polaris, also called the North polar star. The Radiant of the Ursiden, so the point where the meteor shower seems to take its beginning, but in the case of Kochab, the second brightest star of the Little bear.

shooting stars in December of 2018: what’s the Ursiden your Maximum?

The Ursiden are in the year 2018 from 17. up to the 26. To see the December sky. The Maximum of the shooting star shoal is reached this year on the night of 22. December 23. December or early Sunday morning around 5 am. Who wants to see the Ursiden, must get up early, because the maximum event rates in normal years, only ten shooting stars per hour. In some years this number increases, but also – up to 50 meteors every hour could then be observed.

are Theoretically given in the night from Saturday to Sunday, the optimum conditions for the observation of the Ursiden. The highlight of the swarm, the Radiant is still high in the sky. However, since in the night of the 23. December is full of seem to the moon, it may be too bright to see many shooting stars. Of course the weather has to play along.

In our weather Ticker for Germany, you always get the latest Overviews of the weather.

Ursiden in December of 2018: Where and how you can see the shooting stars?

Watching shooting star swarm like the Ursiden dark places that are far away from big cities, the best recommendation. This is partly Superbahis due to the visibility you have there, and on the other hand, the fact that no artificial light disturbs. Sirko Molau of the Association of the star friends explained that it is sufficient “if the view of the sky”. In a certain direction you must look. In the case of clear weather conditions, residents of large cities can have happiness.

Ursiden in December 2018: when can I see again a shooting star?

Who has no time to look at the Ursiden, or if the weather makes a dash through the bill, the next shooting star swarm to heart. Right at the start of the new year, 2019, the Quadrant expected departure. In the case of this meteor stream more than 100 shooting stars per hour are expected. In some years even up to 200 meteors were counted hourly.

Also in the other months of the year, there are shooting stars to see. As you can observe, for example, the Lyrids in April, we have summarized in a separate article on* for you.

More: In the year of 2018, a record of the lunar Eclipse over Germany. Only in the next century, there will be a lunar Eclipse that lasts longer. This should also compensate for the Eclipse of the sun was not to be seen in August 2018 in Germany.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network