scientists have found in a long-term study, which is the most stressful Job in the world. The result is likely to surprise you the most.

Doctors? Children’s gardener? Or maybe even a teacher? Anyone who imagines the most stressful Job in the world, the five or more occupations fall into the same, which could be one of them. Stress finally one of the most Professions such as the Amen in the Church. But what is really the most stressful Job in the world?

Stressigster job in the world: scientists conduct long-term study

this question have engaged researchers from the Southern Medical University in China. In a long-term study, which ran over 17 years, studied the occupations 136,000 participants. The amazing result is: waiter have the most stressful job in the world .

About the waiters have> the most stressful profession

Tipobet such as police officers, nurses or educators. Anyone who has waited on a table once, however, knows that this Job is anything but easy: Gastro-staff are constantly under pressure, both physically and mentally . Finally, speed counts in this profession: The guests want to have their food and drinks as quickly as possible on the table, dishes must not be cold. After the meal, then a quick cash in. And for all, only one waiter is just in small Local often responsible.

also read: These two questions, you should ask yourself in the case of Stress – advises a happiness coach.

But even those who served quickly and friendly to the guests, often experiences only little appreciation of them. The u come nflexible working hours and low-wage – unlike, for example, Doctors or teachers, who are at least rewarded financially properly.

In addition, the waiters tend to be because of the stressful Jobs much more often to alcohol and cigarettes, the scientists were able to prove.

The occupations with the least amount of Stress

by the Way: The study has also found out, in what is Called the least Stress. There are architects and scientists .

also read , what are the things that ensure that your Job is really stressful.

Also: Chef is a Five-hour day – the result surprised all.

Andrea Stettner/