First, she felt uncomfortable, then a mother collapsed early Monday morning. Also the other family members had a headache, and then chose the emergency to happiness.

Munich – “Great happiness is bestowed on Christmas morning to a six-person family in Rags,” writes the Munich fire Department in a recent press release. To 6.14 p.m. the emergency call was received at the rescue coordination centre. But, what happened exactly?

As Makrobet the Munich fire brigade reported, felt a mother suddenly unwell after they had entered the first floor of a detached house. A short time later, she collapsed. The rest of the family members complained to the Discontinuation of the emergency call of a headache and Nausea, so the fire brigade.

The dispatcher suspected, therefore, immediately a cause for the complaints of the six-member family. He warned the starting ends of the rescuers in front of a possible increased carbon monoxide concentration. Upon Arrival, the entrained CO-detector confirmed the suspicion of the dispatchers.

The use of forces brought the mother then immediately to a safe area and provided them. Since both the father, the Grand parents and the children complained about similar symptoms that have been alerted for more ambulances. With you all the six persons came to the clarification in several Munich hospitals.

read : Why is carbon monoxide (C0) are so dangerous and deadly?

so where did the increased carbon monoxide concentration?

Finally, a respiratory protection, squad ventilated the entire house until the gauges indicated no carbon monoxide. The reason for the increased CO concentration could have been a fireplace.

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