a mystery incident, it came on early Sunday morning. The unknown sat in a Restaurant toilet toilet paper on fire while next door, a Drunken man was sleeping.

Osnabrück – a mystery incident came early Sunday morning in Osnabrück. Unknown continued on to the men’s room toilet paper on fire and locked the cabin from the outside. Guests noticed the fire, which was extinguished by employees. In the neighboring cabin was asleep, a Drunk, spent from all the excitement, apparently, nothing, as nordbuzz.de* reported.

Osnabrück: Drunk toilet sleeps to Restaurant – next door toilet paper

In the men’s restroom of a fast-food restaurants to the pagenstecher straße in Osnabrück according to police sources, so far, unknown offender between 6.10 am and 6.30 am on Sunday morning continued with a paper toilet roll on fire. Then he locked the cabin from the outside, and escaped undetected. Restaurant guests noticed the smoke and alerted employees. This extinguished immediately, the fire.

Osnabrück: Drunk sleeps through the delete action on the Restaurant toilet and disappears

In the neighboring cabin, a highly intoxicated man was at the time, was asleep, and neither the fire nor the excitement of Vegas. He was woken up by the staff and left immediately in the quick-service restaurant. His identity is not known. It is not excluded, that the man took health damage. The man and other witnesses will be asked to register with the police in Osnabrück under 0541 – 327 2215.

*nordbuzz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

More news from Bremen and lower Saxony

a Horror accident happened on the A30 at Osnabrück, as a Mini in an accident Audi crashed – the highway had to be two hours locked.

After an attempted murder, the police identified an 18-year-old suspects and arrested. He was possibly insidious and greed, as he inflicted a 4-Year-old serious head injuries.

On the A1 at Bremen a package-truck crashed late Wednesday evening in a jam-the end. For the driver, any help came too late.

witnesses observed on Tuesday, two young people, as this plied in a shopping centre in Bremen, with guns. The police showed up with a variety of forces.

On the A1 motorway, occurred on Tuesday a worse accident – and again it is the Gaffer, whose behaviour really does leave you speechless.

After a fight of two non-Anglo inter-dogs, whose owners were in dispute. The Situation escalated when the woman rushing up to meet the man and take him to the hood.

The police makes an incredible discovery in the case of hitchhikers on the side Redwin strip of the A28 at Oldenburg.

A terrible accident occurred at Cuxhaven. A young family was wiped out in the tragic accident almost complete – just before Christmas.