In the future should be asked when applying for or renewal of a card referred to in the organ donation willingness. There is now a cross-party Initiative in the Bundestag.

Update from the 24. December 2018, 13.50 PM:

of The SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach has to link the consent to organ donation with the award of an ID card or passport. The hurdles are in the submitted vertices of a cross-party parliamentary group for Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock higher than, for example, in the case of him and the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) favored “double contradiction solution,” said Lauterbach on Monday, the

German press Agency.

in Berlin.

Lauterbach said, this initiative will not result in the practice, “that many who actually want to donate, do it”. For one, there are many people who apply for German passports. In addition, you might have been at the time applied for a passport for the first time – maybe 18 years – “still not willing to deal Neyine with the question in detail”. Also, you may have different documents, which could cause confusion. “It can cause on a document is not yet documented, that one is a donor, on the other.”

“do not decide In the implementation of many of the then so, either. Or you will regret the decision, but you do not want to apply for a new document to revise the decision,“ said Lauterbach. In the case of his favoured opposition solution to each donor, unless you disagree. “I can speak to any time on an unbureaucratic, simple way Then I will be entered in a Register as a Non-donor. Done.“ This works in all the countries in which such a solution to the organ donation was introduced.

the cross-party Initiative for a survey of introduced organ donation

Berlin – A cross-party Initiative, which will be all full years of German when applying for or renewing a passport after her organ donation willingness, surveyed, has officially been launched. The office of Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock, had sent to the paper on Friday to the Federal Ministry of health, reported the newspaper “The world” from Berlin on Monday. There should be developed until the end of January a draft law and the parliamentarians submitted, which would also calculate the resulting costs.

politicians from almost all political parties support the Initiative

The Initiative is supported by Green party chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt, the left party leader Katja Kipping, as well as the deputies of Matthias Miersch (SPD), Stephan Pilsinger (CSU) and Stephan Thomae (FDP). Therefore, in the future, every adult applying for a passport or identity card should be “detailed and independent information” to organ donation given.

In the later collection of the ID card should then be queried if anyone would like to donate in case of death, all or individual organs, or explicitly does not want. The respondents can also indicate that you do not want to set up to date. In addition, you can designate someone to decide, in the unexpected event of death.

health Minister Spahn seeks other arrangements

Baerbock said it was a “majority of the eligible consensus on group boundaries”. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) strives for, however, a system in accordance with the principle of the possibility of contradiction. Accordingly, each of the Deceased would be as an organ donor in question, if he spoke not in writing or in accordance with its members during the lifetime of an organ donor.
